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Colliding Rivers

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Climbing Sections:

About Colliding Rivers:

This is a nice but small area (only about twenty feet long and fifteen feet tall) right next to the where the Little River and the North Umpqua meet. It is a popular place to swim so there is a chance of a crowd. The only practical time to climb there is during the summer, since you have to cross the river to get to it.
Nearest town or city: Glide
Directions: From I-5 take exit 124 and go east on Harvard Ave. Continue on Harvard untill you come to Stephens St. Turn north on Stephens and continue untill Diamond Lake Blvd. Go east on Diamond Lake and continue for about fifteen miles. Turn left on Glide Loop Dr. and park in the parking lot on rhe left. From the observation deck, walk down the paved path to the right. When you come to the end, there is a dirt path that leads to the water. Take it to the waters edge and find a nice place to wade in.
Latitude, Longitude:
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