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Collier Boulders

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Climbing Sections:

About Collier Boulders:

Its a day use only. Its a really new area more needs to be explored, there is also no real trail yet. 5-6 Huge boulders with routes all over. Bring a crash pad. There is also a bathroom in the parking lot.
Nearest town or city: Chilloquin
Directions: 33 Miles north of Klamath Falls on highway 97, starting at the last light in K Falls. Its the next road after the Williamson cliffs on the left hand side, its a F.S. rd. Take the dirt road for 1.1 miles and on the left will be a viepoint called Oax-kanee. Park in the parking area, the top of the cliffs are south from the parking lot. Make your way to the bottom of the cliffs and you will see the boulders all around the bottom of the cliffs.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day