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Greensprings crag

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Climbing Sections:

About Greensprings crag:

Small basalt sport/crack crag near Ashland, Ore with about 30 routes. Somehow this area was added to "indoor gyms" in this database. Good place to climb after work in spring and fall.
Nearest town or city: Ashland
Directions: From I-5 exit 14 (ashland) drive east on hwy 66 (greensprings hwy) toward Klamath Falls. Drive for about 20 minutes then turn right on Tyler Cr. Dr. (?). Drive down the gravel road for about 1/4-1/2 mile then park on the pullout on the right. The apprach trail is on the left. For better beta, see Orton's book.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: This crag is on private property. Please keep a low profile.
Camping: No
When to Climb: Spring
Quantity of Climbs: Week

Most Recent Photo

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