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Mt. Ashland

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About Mt. Ashland:

trad, sport, bouldering
Nearest town or city: Ashland, Oregon
Directions: take I-5 to Mt. Asland exit; follow signs to Mt. Ashland Ski area; contine west through parking lot to back parking lot where pavement ends; continue on Forest Service #20 Road; stay left at first fork (200 yds.) Free campground and parking appx. 1/4 mile; bouldering around and above campground; continue on #20 Road for appx. 2 miles to summit spur; turn left at fork and continue up to summit parking lot; trad and sport routes on crags below parking to the west in "Bowl"
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: community watershead; pack out garbage and feces
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Autumn Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Weekend