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Milton Rock Gym (Indoor Gym)

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About Milton Rock Gym:

2500sq ft of bouldering, 35' high top rope walls and lead climbing..Gear shop, rentals, birthday parties, groups are all welcome.
Nearest town or city: Williamsport
Address: 45 South Front Street Milton, PA 17847
Directions: Rt. 15, Williamsport & North..exit West Milton/Rt.642E. Turn left onto S. Arch St (PA405N). Turn left onto Center St. Turn right onto Bound Ave. Turn left into the free public parking lot. State College and West Take Rt. 99 to I80East. Exit onto US RT. 15S at exit 210A Toward Lewisburg. Follow the directions above from Rt. 15. Bloomsburg and East On Rt. I80W take Exit 215/Limestoneville/PA254. Turn left onto Rt 254. Go 3.3 miles and turn left onto Elm Street. Turn left into free Public Parking. Harrisburg and South Follow US22W/US322W and take the US 11N/US 15N exit towards Selinsgrove. Turn Right onto US 11 past Shamokin Dam. Turn left onto PA147N. Take the Mahoning Street/PA642 Exit. Turn left onto Mahoning Street. Turn right onto PA405N (S. Arch St). Turn left onto Center St. Turn right onto Bound Ave. Turn left into free public parking.
Latitude, Longitude:
Phone: 5707428290
Web Site: