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Hawk Rock

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Climbing Sections:

About Hawk Rock:

This is not a climbing destination in and of itself. Go there for the hike and view. But if you are going you may want to bring (light) toproping equipment.
Nearest town or city: Duncannon
Directions: Take R. 15 North from I81 for approximately 10 miles. When the road changes to a 4 lane highway, look for the Duncannon exit. There should be a stop sign at the end of the ramp. Turn left and go about 1/4 mile until you cross a little bridge. Make the first right. You should be in a small development. Follow the road back along the mountain until you a dirt parking area and a gate (about 1/4 mile). The trail is to the left of the gravel road. Follow it up 5 minutes until you reach the AT (marked with white blazes). Take a right and hike (moderate to hard) approx. 45 min - 1 hour more.
Latitude, Longitude: 40.38310, -77.03348
Access Issues:
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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