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James Buchanan Birthplace

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Climbing Sections:

About James Buchanan Birthplace:

Its a smaller rock but it has three good top rope climbs ranging from 5.6 to 5.9 as you look right on the rock. The rock stands about 60 ft total and has some good bouldering to the right and left of the tallest point. Its a nice place to learn and take beginners.
Nearest town or city: Mercersburg
Directions: Take route 16 west until you get to the mountain and you will see signs for Buchanan's birthplace. Its 2 miles west of mercersburg, you'll take a right turn of of 16 to go back to the park area. Go all the way to the red gate and park there. from there hike about a half mile to the rocks staying on the right side of the stream. make sure you don't cross the bridge with the red gate or you'll get a 300 dollar fine. Stick to the right side of the stream and it will take you to the rock.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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