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Conewago Trail Boulders

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Climbing Sections:

About Conewago Trail Boulders:

This is only worth checking out if your a local, or hiking/ biking the Conewego trail system. There are only 6-7 medium sized boulders with a few hard lines and some easy ones thrown in. Access is sketchy. This area of boulders is directly off the rails to trails on Etown. There is some boudering right on the trail as it passes thru an area where the RR blasted thru the rock. On the right heading into Etown, there is a long finger crack, approx 15-20ft high and on the left some very easy bouldering, more less scrambling. Once again this area is only worth the while if your a local looking for that hidden spot and then want to head to the swimming hole on the other side of the trail. This area has been climbed before, Im unsure on any names and can only guess at grades. I submited this are per the advice from "roughster"
Nearest town or city: Elizabethtown
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day

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