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Susquehannah Islands

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Climbing Sections:

About Susquehannah Islands:

Sport routes and over water bouldering in the middle of the susquehannah river. Islands south of the Holtwood Bridge, not too far from peavine island. a few sport climbs, and lots of highball bouldering over water. boat launch from sex wall parking lot.
Nearest town or city: airville
Directions: from holtwood road (372) on the east side of the river take the second right river rd? follow all the way to the bottom then take a boat to the large islands in the middle of the river - watch out for slightly submerged rocks.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: stay out of the river when the dam sirens go off. the water starts moving very fast. The islands are state owned but some people rent cabins on then - please respect their privacy.
Camping: No
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer
Quantity of Climbs:

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