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Tucquan Overhangs

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Climbing Sections:

About Tucquan Overhangs:

Converted into a county preservation area, which makes access no problem. Various assort of overhang and face bouldering and climbing. Schist rock is generally sharp and unforgiving on fingers.
Nearest town or city: Pequea
Directions: From Lancaster, South on US 222. Right onto 324 towards New Danville. At 4-way stop sign, turn LEFT onto Marticville Rd heading towards Pequea. Drive through Marticville and on to Martic Forge. At Martic Forge Hotel,(burn down 6/12/2004) (just before a bridge) turn left onto River Rd and go 3.8 miles to small bridge crossing creek. Parking is on the lefthand side. Rock is clearly visible from the road, adjacent to the creek.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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