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gold city mtn.

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Climbing Sections:

About gold city mtn.:

monster face above limestone mine, seen from rt. 30 beside idewild park, un-climbable, shaley, and private, but looks cool, on the road up to it are some descent boulders. right side, all wins, gravel road at top[right of gate] leads to parking area, low cars bottom out, lots to explore here, pick-ups, bikes, and cycles help, if u like walkin, and scrambling it's something different to do.
Nearest town or city: ligoneer
Directions: from ligoneer, 30 toward derry, make right at road toad, up hill, 1st cluster looks the most impressive to me...odd marks, don't block rd. esp. if mine is open
Latitude, Longitude: 40.27738, -79.29254
Access Issues: co-op wins, none, except kinda far parking
Camping: No
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Weekend