Run in the Night - V3

Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
Premier Sponsor:
1 pad below horn (don't sds off it)
Huge jutting boulder on Monte Bay, St John, USVI. Start on the opposite side you approach it at. SDS with arms crossed: right on a nice undercling and left on big textured crimp. Right foot underneath you and left foot out long with toe hook off a sidepull. Work your way to get under the arete, then move up to the big crack using heel hooks and sidepulls. From there, throw left to a big sloper, then bump to a bucket and top out. V3/4Descent Options:
downclimb the other side
Submitted by: crussellbowden on 2011-11-28
Last Modified: 2011-11-29
Views: 1895
Route ID: 110287