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Bee Rock

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Climbing Sections:

About Bee Rock:

Bee Rock is home to forty or so routes that are mostly in the 5.10 range. The approach is short and easy leading to a beautiful overlook area. Toproping is common, be sure both tails reach because the height of the climbs can be deceiving. Protection for traditional leading can be sparse, especially at the top of the climbs, so be cautious. The bolts that are present were placed in the 80s and are no longer solid for leading purposes, although they may be your only option for pro. The upper part of the climbs are typically covered in a dry moss that can be a pain to clean on lead. On a side note, rattlesnakes are common in this area. They can be found in horizontal cracks midway up the wall. Finally, the area is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, so make sure to leave enough time to get back to your car.
Nearest town or city: Monterey
Directions: From Nashville: Take I-40 west to the first Monterey exit (Exit 300). Turn right onto highway 70, go about one tenth of a mile, and turn left onto Bee Rock Rd. Go all the way to the end of the paved road and park on the left. Walk around the gate and behind the old KOA building following the trail. This leads to the Overlook area. If you walk to the end of the overlook area there is a gully that provides access to the bottom. The hike is ten minutes max.
Latitude, Longitude: 36.12190, -85.28540
Access Issues:
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Weekend

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Forum Discussions (3 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
No Replies Bee Rock Officially Closed trr2ke 0 Aug 30 2012, 3:35 PM
With Replies Rattlesnakes At Bee Rock Tipton 8 Jun 19 2008, 8:47 PM
With Replies Beta for Bee Rock, TN? ccarver99 1 Jun 14 2006, 2:19 AM