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Deathblow - 5.11b

Average Rating = 4.00/5 Average Rating : 4.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (10)
Premier Sponsor:
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty 5.11b
  Safety Rating G
  Exposure 5.00/5
  Rock Quality 5.00/5
  Scenery 5.00/5
  Fun Factor 5.00/5


This classic Obed pumpfest begins in a cave just left of a large tree. Pull the roof and continue up the small, flat shelves to anchors. Careful not to blow it in the middle of the climb or you will bust your rear on a large tree limb.

Submitted by: dirko on 2002-12-24
Views: 1399
Route ID: 29311

10 Ascents Recorded

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  Difficulty 5.11b
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: woverholseriv on 2012-04-11 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars ,


Added: 2012-04-11

  Safety Rating G
Flash Flash ascent by: hyongx on 2009-02-01 (View Climbing Log)

3 out of 5 stars cruiser

nice pump.

Added: 2009-02-04

  Difficulty 5.11b
  Safety Rating G
Red Point Red Point ascent by: Mastertater on 2002-10-17 (View Climbing Log)

3 out of 5 stars n


Added: 2008-10-17

  Difficulty 5.11c
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Onsight Onsight ascent by: camhead on 2007-12-31 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars asdf


Added: 2008-01-01

  Safety Rating G
Onsight Onsight ascent by: stinky_lizard on 2007-03-21 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars 1


Added: 2007-03-21

... Read all 10 ascent notes