Sport and trad, plenty o' sun, super fun. The Obed generally refers to the main cliffline on the Obed River although The Obed, Lilly Bluff, Lilly Boulders, Y12, and Clear Creek collectively make up the overall Obed area. The cliffs lie just a few hundred yards from the confluence of the Obed River and Clear Creek. These perfectly south facing cliffs are great in the fall, winter, spring - but too hot in the summer. Dozens of routes never get wet in the rain because of large roofs that cap many of the walls. The most popular area within The Obed is the Tieranny Wall and surrounding climbs, but there are other quality sections spread out along about a mile of bluff going further upstream. There are approx 50 climbs in the Tieranny and Captains of Industry section, none of which ever get wet in the rain.