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Debridement Wall

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About Debridement Wall:

Left of Old Testament and Right of Metro Wall. This area is the section of cliff with a prominent ledge running along the middle. The lower part of the cliff is broken with minimal "climbing". The upper tier has a wide stretch of rock ~25' tall. As of now, there are three routes on the wall. The whole area has potential but needs more cleaning. Dirt, brush etc all need to go, hence the inspiration for the name of the Wall - Debridement. VERY MUCH A WORK IN PROGRESS. Updates will be posted as they happen.
Approach: From the Base of Old Testament: Follow the base trail left along the wall and over the Water Berm. Look for a trail along the base. It will trend left for a bit before heading straight up a break in the lower "tier" of blocky rock. Scramble up the rock to the base of upper tier via a fixed (currently missing) hand line.
Approach Time: 15 minutes
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: According to recent conversations with SA Park Police, it is OK to climb here and access the wall via the creek bed. Long term access once it becomes an official greenway is still TBD. SO, be quiet, courteous, pick up any trash you see etc. No fires, overnight stays etc. Be a GOOD steward so access can continue.
Rock Type: LimeStone
Type of Climbing: Sport
Sun Aspect: All Day Sun