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Hidden Haven

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Climbing Sections:

About Hidden Haven:

This area is seems to be composed of loose quartzite like rock. The cliffs range from 80 feet to around 180 feet. With lots of first ascent possibilties to those who seek adventure.
Nearest town or city: Parowan
Directions: This area is Hidden from the road hence the name. Drive up Parowan canyon go past the Vermillon Castle turnoff for roughly 2 miles. There is a small foot bridge on the lefthand side of the road if you are driving uphill. Take this bridge and follow the trail untill you hit the talus field, traverse up and west (left) around until you see a perch like hunk of rock with three obviuos crack systems. This is the perch.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Day