This is the area that has been carelessly dubbed "Shinobe Wall". It was called "the gap" earlier on by the first pioneer, Bob Draney. He put up the original routes, cleaned them very meticulously, and wrote up the first topos of the area. This is also the name of the area on the official U.S. maps. Why must one feel it necessary to rename an area that already has a name? This contributes to confusion concerning the area. This reminds me of the naming of the "Prophesy Wall" after the original pioneer, Ron Olevsky, called it the Upper Sandcove. Ron called it this, because the locals have been calling it this for years. Lets try to keep the names of areas congruent to their original name. Or maybe, I'll just start calling New York City, "The Ninja." I'm sure people will automatically understand "the ninja" means New York City. This idea also applies to the "Bunker Creek" and "Running Scared" areas. One should not rename crags because they decided to put anchors at the top of all the crags and claim them as his "projects". If you want to get your name in the canon of history, then do some thing that contributes to the sport instead of bolting cracks that have already been done with gear and drilling practice anchors three feet off the ground at a popular cone of welded tuff in Iron County. Oh, and don't go to the "Gap". Trendy clothes (and dangly quick-draw earings) are over-rated.