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The Perimeter

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About The Perimeter:

The Perimeter is a cluster of boulders sitting on a sandstone shelf. These boulders are above Jared's Boulder and the No Substance areas. It is visible from Maxi Pad across the canyon.
Approach: If you want to be totally legitimate, hike straight up from Jared's Boulder. Go up to a big sand stone bowl and on top of it is the shelf that holds the boulders. But there is a much easier approach. To best approach it, park a little before the Trail Mine. A reclamation area offers an easy hike up a gentle slope that heads down canyon. It is on the opposite side of the mines. A trail will traverse the mountain side and end up at The Perimeter. Look for a sign that says "Perimeter, do not disturb" and follow the trail past it. At this point, you are on Forest Service land.
Approach Time: 10 min
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: The approach starting at the Trail mine is one of the easiest approach for a hill side, but this may be trespassing on the mine's property. The mine is closed so no one is there to protest. However, use this information at your own risk.
Rock Type: SandStone
Type of Climbing: Bouldering
Sun Aspect: