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Sawtooth canyon

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Climbing Sections:

About Sawtooth canyon:

This is the canyon on the way to Notch peak. It is granite, with about 50 domes to 500 ft.
Nearest town or city: Delta
Directions: At about mile 33 on highway 50 Utah, turn onto a dirt road toward notch peak. After a mile or two, this "Ts" into another dirt road. Go left and follow about 4 miles. Make a right turn onto another dirt road that heads up to the first large granite canyon below Notch peak. If you are on the correct road you will pass an old mine. Follow this road about 2 miles until it drops 10 ft into a drainage. From this point, one can go about another 1/2 mile with high clearance. We did it in a 2 WD ranger. About 200 yards from the mouth of sawtooth canyon, the road is badly washed out--an ATV would make it. We camped at this spot by some boulders. Above this camp are several large and small spires with good routes. Head further up the wash to the main canyon. This canyon contains numerous domes and spires. There is an abandoned mine on the left, and 15 minutes up the canyon there was running water in May.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Lifetime