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Pente - 5.11a

Average Rating = 4.57/5 Average Rating : 4.57 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 6
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (15)
Premier Sponsor:
(2) .5, (3) .75, (5) #1, (2) #2, (1) #3 camalot. maybe one or two 2.5 friends.
Consensus Ratings
  Difficulty 5.11a
  Safety Rating G
  Exposure 4.00/5
  Rock Quality 5.00/5
  Scenery 4.50/5
  Fun Factor 5.00/5


this is the easiest route to find on this wall. just left of a large fallen pillar. edit: some dumbass thinks this is a 2 pitch route. LOL.

Submitted by: joe on 2004-10-06
Views: 2061
Route ID: 7861

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15 Ascents Recorded

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  Safety Rating G
Onsight Onsight ascent by: cracklover on 2014-03-29 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars great route


Added: 2014-03-31

  Difficulty 5.11a
  Safety Rating G
  Rock Quality
  Fun Factor
Second Second ascent by: patioogden on 2008-05-11 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars perfect hands for me!

LOVED this long and sustained route, the PERFECT hand size for me. Thanks to Ben for putting it up!

Added: 2008-05-15

  Safety Rating G
Onsight Onsight ascent by: baja_java on 2008-05-05 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars Ascent Note

beautiful line splitting the dark chocolate

Added: 2008-05-08

  Safety Rating G
Onsight Onsight ascent by: stamplis on 2008-04-04 (View Climbing Log)

5 out of 5 stars _

Long but really no hard moves on the route. 0.5, 0.75 camelots are nice to have on the upper section.

Added: 2008-04-07

  Safety Rating G
Hang Dog Hang Dog ascent by: mercphony on 2007-10-26 (View Climbing Log)

4 out of 5 stars Long!

hangdogged the shit out of this one at the start of trip but never got back.. will lead it next time!

Added: 2007-11-30

... Read all 15 ascent notes