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Pecadillo - 5.11b

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
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#1-#4 camalots several #2 and #3
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Approach where the talus breaks the lower cliffline. Once above the lower cliffline, hike left along the faint trail at the base of the rock for approximately 100 yards, looking for the first hand sized crack with flakes that jut left nearly 3/4 up the route. There is a plaque at the base. This crack has thin parts, steep parts, long sheer jamming, crazy flakes, and offwidthing. The two pitches could easily be combined into one spectacular 195' pitch. Pitch 1 5.10 hands, 45'. Pitch 2 is wide hands for 100', followed by flakes with good pro in the crack behind them. After the flakes is a thin bulge leading to a offwidth. Watch for a loose block just before the flakes. Two rope decent.

Submitted by: bryson on 2005-03-30
Views: 447
Route ID: 65091