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9th Street

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Climbing Sections:

About 9th Street:

9th Street is one of the more popular Sport area's around Ogden. It offers a wide range of difficulty and easy access. The crag only measures about 40 feet high. There are several bolted routes all with TR chains. TR access can be made from either side of the crag. Keep and eye open for Poison Ivy.----The 9th Street Cave is North from the Crag.
Nearest town or city: Ogden
Directions: Drive East on 9th street until you reach the top. Parking is limited so be polite if you park in front of someones home. From the top of 9th walk East on the dirt road (up a small incline)until you get to the canal road (runs No & So) and turn left. continue North on the road and in about a hundred yards you'll see a single track trail heading NE off the up hill side of the road. That's it you can't miss the Crag.......If you looking for the "Cave" you continue walking NE on the single track past the Crag. Once you get to the top of the hill continue No and the Cave will be on your right (East side of the trail)
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: There is now construction at the trailhead. Be wary of the workers who will yell at you and tell you the trail is closed. (ITS NOT!!!) Keep to the outskirts of the site.
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week

Topo Images

Vile of Crack ***

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The Corner
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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Climbing PArtner Needed tschingel 1 Apr 23 2004, 7:55 PM