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Routes : North America : United States : Virginia : South Western : Virginia Tech Campus Buildings

Virginia Tech Campus Buildings

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Climbing Sections:

About Virginia Tech Campus Buildings:

All the buildings on the campus of Virginia Tech are clothed in what is called "Hokie Stone". Hokie Stone is limestone from a specific quarry in Virginia, and there my knowledge ends. Almost all buildings are climbable on campus, however most are difficult beyond fun. War Memorial Gym and Whittemore are two exceptions, with moves ranging from v0-v2 at Whittemore, and v1-v6+ at War Memorial.

The walls are of course flat, and you usually don't go up, but the rock simulates real climbing remarkably well, and there is a great variation in the type of holds available- crimps, side pulls, slopers, and underclings. Additionally the campus is beautiful, still the prettiest I've ever seen.
Nearest town or city: Blacksburg
Directions: Blacksburg is located off of Interstate 81 south of Roanoke, follow signs to Virginia Tech near exit 118. Parking during business hours is difficult, after 5 and on weekends you'll have better luck, during the summer you will have no problem finding a spot at all.

Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: None
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Year

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