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Toates Coulee Crag

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About Toates Coulee Crag:

TOATS COULEE CRAG is located along the Long Swamp road/access in the Northern Pasaytens, 36 miles west of Tonasket (about 18 miles west of Loomis).
Approach: There are two possible approaches; 1) park just before the creek (turn out on the left across from the “curve ahead” sign) and hike due north up the trail-less slope (lodge pole and aspen forest) for about 10 minutes to the base of the SW facing cliff (veer left when you come to the open grassy band to reach the base of the South Face), or 2) park along the creek at the campground and hike east up the steep boulder and tree covered slope to the base of the West face. The top can be reached easily from either end. The rock is fine quality granite, and the climbing ranges from the easier broken ledges on the right end of the south face, to the steep and blank west face. Be aware when lowering, as many of the routes are long and/or don’t start at the base.
Approach Time: 10-15 minutes
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: Climbing and access all on Forest Service land
Rock Type: Granite
Type of Climbing: Sport/Trad
Sun Aspect: Afternoon Sun


SequenceSequence numbers indicate the left (L) to right (R) order of the routes. Rating Route Difficulty Ascents
0 Average Rating = 0.00/5 ZEN CATERPILLAR 5.12a 0
1 Average Rating = 0.00/5 LOST AND FOUND 5.10d 0
2 Average Rating = 0.00/5 A CLOCKWORK ORANGE 5.8 0
3 Average Rating = 0.00/5 T TIME 5.9 0
4 Average Rating = 0.00/5 HOISTER CLOISTER 5.8 0
5 Average Rating = 0.00/5 CHASING RAINBOWS 5.7 0
6 Average Rating = 0.00/5 GRAVITY’S RAINBOW 5.8 0