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Tum Tum

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Climbing Sections:

About Tum Tum:

Absolutely the best bouldering area around Spokane, WA. Its about 40 minutes away from Spokane. Tumtum features 3 canyons. The very left one is "the main area". Today, Tumtum is a very popular place to go bouldering, and most people that boulder at the gym (Wild Walls) go to Tumtum regularly on the weekends. There has been a lot of new development, and many new great problems have been discovered, ranging from v0 to v13. Tumtum also has some trad and sport routes, but its a bouldering area. The third canyon is now a private properity, and you must ask permission from the owners to go bouldering there.
Nearest town or city: Tum Tum
Directions: Head towards the Long Lake. You'll pass Long Lake, and the next town you'll see is Tumtum. Drive past town and in about 5 minutes you'll see a fenced up boulder and a parking lot. Thats the "Main Canyon area". There are 2 trails that go up to the top. The other 2 canyons could be accessed from the parking lot by following the trail that splits right (after the fenced boulder). Have fun
Latitude, Longitude: 47.83816, -117.75584
Access Issues: Classic Cracks are on private land
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Week

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Forum Discussions (2 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Tour Guide - Tum Tum Moshpitrockchick 1 Oct 05 2010, 8:05 PM
With Replies tum tum outsi 11 Oct 19 2010, 10:40 PM