Built by volunteers, this is a small man made rock on the outskirts of Tacoma WA. It has 35 listed routs ranging from 5.0 to 5.11 with some variables on routs possible. All are topropable via an easy scramble rout to the top. Anchors are solid. There are no bolted routs, however there are good routs for practicing setting pro. The routs consist of chunky face climbs, crimpy face climbs on one section, and some nice cracks, chimneys, and small roofs. There is a nice bouldering traverse as well.
AREA PROBLEMS: The rock could use a powerwashing, some holds and footing are EXTREMELY slippery. There can be problems with non climbers playing around on the rock. Many are respectful to climbers and some are not. Please be sure to "nicely" correct those that are not respectful and report those that need reporting to the nearby rec center. There is another small bouldering rock near by that has a lot of broken glass, biting ants and giant wolf spiders(not poisonous but it hurts when they bite).