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Mt. Ellinor-Washington

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Climbing Sections:

About Mt. Ellinor-Washington:

Mt. Ellinor (5944) and Mt. Washington (6255) Rise above Lake Cushman and are popular, but rewarding alpine climbs. The traverse between the two can be done, but reported by those who have done it as difficult.
Nearest town or city: Hoodsport, WA
Directions: Follow State Route 119 west and north from Hoodsport,WA to the junction with 19 and 24 at the Big Creek Campground. Go right (east) at the junction on to Forest service road 24. Follow signs for 4.6 miles to the Lower Mt Ellinore Trail at about 2800 feet.
Latitude, Longitude: 47.51000, -123.25100
Access Issues: Using the Upper trailhead saves 1.5 miles hiking. It is a left 1.6 miles past the Lower trailhead then drive 1.6 miles more to the Upper trailhead at 3600 feet.
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Day