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About West Bluff:

The West Bluff sits directly across the lake from the East Bluff, obviously. And it definitely holds the same beautiful climbing. Amazingly enough, it doesn't see the impact that the East Bluff does, which makes it a great escape during those weekend rushes. All of the climbing is accessed through the West Bluff Trail, which can be found from either the Boat Landing or North Shore parking lots. NOTE: Wisconsin is currently working on a climbing policy for the state which is rather touchy at the moment (check out the WOA website), please pack out what you bring in, and more importantly follow the bolting ban for the park. The climbing itself is on hard quartzite cliffs reaching ~120 ft. at it's highest point (although, most climbs are ~80 ft. high). Being the midwest's most popular climbing destination, weekends can be hectic, but the West Bluff is a great place to escape all of that. Fortunately, there's a friendly atmosphere throughout most of the climbers, so it's usually very easy to get on someone elses top-rope. Camping can be had either through the park, or several other sites throughout the area.
Nearest town or city: Baraboo
Directions: Get to Madison through one road or another and then follow US Hwy 12 to WI Hwy 159. Turn right (east) on WI 159 for 1 mi., then go right on WI 123 to South Shore Rd. For more freeway driving, stay on I-90 to WI Hwy 33 at Portage. Go west on WI 33 to Baraboo, then south on WI 123 to S. Shore Rd. Once on S. Shore Rd., drive south, then slalom down toward the lake. At the bottom of the hill, you'll notice a boat landing on your left with a parking lot almost directly across from it on the right. This is the boat landing parking area, which is used more for visiting climbers then anything else. If you notice the you're driving directly next to the lake, you've gone to far. The West Bluff Trail starts to the northwest of the parking area. The other area you can park is in the North Shore Ranger Station parking area. To get there, instead of turning right onto Hwy 123 (south), turn left and follow the signs to the main enterence to the park. Basically, follow this road to the stop sign, turn right (Hwy 57) and follow it into the park. The trail starts from the southwest of the parking lot. Pay the park fees (you will get ticketed) which are ~$8 for a day or ~$20 annually. For a map of the park, and the climbing found within it, check out: There are many different ways to get to the park, a map always helps.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Year

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The Brothers # 5
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Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Stettner Rocks wildtrail 2 Sep 03 2009, 6:48 PM