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Owen's Rock

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Climbing Sections:

About Owen's Rock:

Nearest town or city: Stevens Point
Directions: You take I-39 to the Plainfield exit, then go west untill you hit county road D(on left side) and keep heading west. Then you go a couple of miles and i think it is County road M(you can see Owens Rock from D on the left side?) and you take a left. Go about half a mile and owens is on your right.
Latitude, Longitude: 44.19191, -89.65869
Access Issues: No one seems to be certain if this is public or private land. Given the surroundings I would guess that it is private though I have not heard of anyone being compelled to leave. Beware the broken glass. It is everywhere.
Camping: No
When to Climb: Summer
Quantity of Climbs: Day