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Domino Wall

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About Domino Wall:

This wall is left of the Glory Wall. With two climbs facing towards Glory wall. The wall has climbing on all three sides. The tallest side is characterized by a very chossy 30' section at the base of the wall. Capped by a consistently 10 to 15 degree overhanging goodness. It is accessible by traversing the fixed hand line right to left across the top of the choss pile. Before the traverse line lies the striking arete V-Force and another climb to it's right. These two climbs face Glory Wall. On the left side of the wall is Cloudwalker.
Approach Time:
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Rock Type: Dolomite
Type of Climbing: Sport
Sun Aspect:


SequenceSequence numbers indicate the left (L) to right (R) order of the routes. Rating Route Difficulty Ascents
1 Average Rating = 0.00/5 Cloud Walker 5.11d 0
1 Average Rating = 0.00/5 V-Force 5.12c 0