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Split Rock

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Climbing Sections:

About Split Rock:

Granite trad area with slabby domes. Little has been written in guides so not much is known by non-locals. Used by NOLS to teach courses at times. Much of the land is private while some is public so be careful not to trespass.
Nearest town or city: Jeffery
Directions: There is a rest area on Hwy 287 about 15.5 miles east of the eerie town of Jeffrey, WY. Continue east on 287 for another 1.3 miles and turn north onto a dirt road. Five miles later, turn left.

Camping should be available in the area on public land.

Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs:

Forum Discussions (1 posts)

  Subject Author Replies Last Post
With Replies Sweetwater Rocks nthusiastj 8 Oct 22 2004, 9:41 PM