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Gruta do Salitre

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Climbing Sections:

About Gruta do Salitre:

Sport climbing on Dr. Seuss type spires. Single pitch 5 -30 meters tall. Perhaps a dozen bolted routes from 5.7 to 5.13 and potential for some sick hard tuffa pulling roof routes.
Nearest town or city: Diamantina
Directions: Take a bus from Belo Horizonte to Diamantina then a taxi to the Gruta do Salitre. Or, in Portuguese- A partir de Belo Horizonte Siga pela BR 040, sentido Brasília. 23 Km após Paraopeba pegue a BR 135 a direita até Curvelo (45Km). Passe pela cidade de Curvelo e pegue a BR 259 sentido Gouveia e Diamantina. A rodovia neste trecho é bem conservada e sinalizada, entretanto com curvas sinuosas.
Latitude, Longitude: -18.27948, -43.53630
Access Issues: unknown
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Weekend

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