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Campo Escola Behne

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Climbing Sections:

About Campo Escola Behne:

R$ 1,00 per person. Don't leave the trails. Take your garbage back. Use the restrooms. There's a bar with food and drinks. Bring the bug repelent and beware of the spiders. There are about 50 routes there, a little crowded on weekends, but there's routes for everybody.
Nearest town or city: Ivoti
Directions: Going from Porto Alegre, take the BR-116 north. At km 227, take the Japanese Community exit. After a right turn, the paved road goes left, but you will go straight ahead to the dirty road. Follow the signs to Camping do Behne (1km).
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Pay
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Month

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