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Cuesta Pajonales

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Climbing Sections:

About Cuesta Pajonales:

Named after the highway grade that ascends this canyon, there are quite a few rock crags within minutes to hours of the highway, the rock quality is extremely variable, some being utter choss but varying to good looking rock. Some bouldering is available at the very bottom of the grade on rock of unknown quality at the moment. There is potential for some multi-pitch trad routes in this area on virgin faces that have no bolts.

Area Resources: There is nothing whatsoever in the area, no water, food or lodging, camping is free, everything else has to be brought in or bought either in Incahausi to the south (about 30 km), at a few truck stops north of the grade, or in Cachiyuyo, some 15 km north.

Nearest town or city: Cachiyuyo
Directions: drive north from La serena or south from Vallenar, you will see signs indicating "cuesta pajonales", there is a radar station at the top of the grade around which some climbing is definately possible.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Free
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Month