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Half Hill

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Climbing Sections:

About Half Hill:

This is a strange hill which looks like it's top has been cut in half, it's about 2 to 3 miles inland of the coastal town of pichidangui and you can drive right up to it if you can find the trail, if you need orientation there is a police station off the main highway at the southern tip of the town, it shouldn't be too hard to find however, the top of the hill has a large rock face looking out towards the main highway. This place supports mostly trad although some routes are rumoured to be bolted for sport climbers as well. There is a smaller face on the hill's northern side not readily apparent from the highway.

Google Earth Coordinates: 32º 07' 47.97"S 71º28' 50.81"W

Nearest town or city: Pichidangui
Directions: coming from santiago you will have to pay the pichidangui toll (1800 pesos or about 2.5 US dollars) from there the road will turn to the right in a wide curve, about 2 kilometers later it will turn left in another wide curve, look for the biggest right exit after going under the overpass, you should be able to pick your way up to the hill by sight
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues:
Camping: Yes
When to Climb:
Quantity of Climbs: Week