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Cerro Crestone -

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right): 1
Route Summary | Ascent Notes (0)
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rap rings and one bolt. little obvious protection. bolts in unknown condition, unknown rock qual
Consensus Ratings
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  Rock Quality (Not Rated)
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Moderate approach from the (east) up hill side. (5.7-5.8?) Very little obvious protection. Rap bolts seen, unknown condition. Did not attempt climb. Much more difficult approach on north face 5.10+? Some protection possible -- small left facing crack might take protection, rock of unknown quality. One bolt and rap rings observed. Formations are located at approximately 11,000' above see level. large, very well run hiker's hut, supported by pack animals, is located in the valley below. approx. 10 miles and 3000' of descent by well-maintained trail to nearest road (and ranger station). This feature stands apart from a larger collection of similar features that form a summit, and several smaller outcroppings beyond that, further to the east. All of these looked promising, if rock quality were known. I'm contributing the above information based on what I was able to observe while hiking in the area in February 2004. I do not intend to contradict other information found here (in spanish). These features and the surrounding terrain were striking.

Submitted by: ben87 on 2004-04-12
Views: 633
Route ID: 50964