In this area, it is important that you ask the local cooperative at the entrance of the area for permission. Especially if you plan on camping out. This area always has territorry disputes, and the last thing they need is a gringo looking like he's going to buy the place.
That said, this area is totally underdeveloped, there are many limestone boulders, but you do have to do some hiking and at 10,000+ feet, perpare to get a little winded. There are no clear trails so you will have to do some bushwacking. The two areas are 1.The huito boulders (as I like to call them) two boulders with tons of problems on them, they are on the trail to the Piedras Cuaches and 2. A set of boulders that are totally underdeveloped to the east of the Piedras Cuaches, really close to the road to San Juan Ixcoy on the same "mountain"