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Los Piñascos

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Climbing Sections:

About Los Piñascos:

Four untouched crags begging to be climbed! Named for the cave paintings that can be found there, the Piñascos are full of cracks, twists, turns and all kinds of solid holds not seen anywhere else in Guatemala. These cliffs are easily accessible and on the way to the Mayan ruins of Copán.......Cuatro vírgenes riscos mendicidad que se subió! El nombre por las pinturas rupestres que se pueden encontrar allí, la Piñascos están llenas de grietas, torceduras, vueltas y todo tipo de sólidos no posee visto en ningún otro lugar en Guatemala. Estos acantilados son de fácil acceso y en el camino a las ruinas mayas de Copán.
Nearest town or city: San Juan Ermita
Directions: Guate - Chiquimula Chiquimula - microbus to San Juan Ermita San Juan Ermita - Look up, across from the street from the town. There is a Peace Corps volunteer living in San Juan who can answer any questions you may have.
Latitude, Longitude:
Access Issues: Los Piñascos are surrounded by corn fields. Access issues haven´t been established, so your best bet is to contact the Peace Corps volunteer stationed in San Juan.
Camping: Yes
When to Climb: Autumn Spring Summer Winter
Quantity of Climbs: Month