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Routes : South and Central America : Peru : Huaraz : Chopicalqui NE Ridge

Chopicalqui NE Ridge - D

Average Rating = 0.00/5 Average Rating : 0.00 out of 5
Route sequence (left to right):
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Start at the 77km mark off the road from llanganuco valley. 4 hours to the moraine camp midway up a scree slope. Another 3-4 hours to glacier camp at around 18000 ft. 5-6 hours to the summit. A few steep snow pitches along the ridge lead to a very exposed crevasse/bergschrund crossing to the summit ridge. 2-3 hours down. Great climb. Can be down in two days if you are aggressive. Great views of the cordillera blanca. Highly reccomended.

Submitted by: waspride on 2007-07-25
Views: 883
Route ID: 87222