Rock Climbing Videos : Misc : Verdon Craziness : Highline, Rope Jump, Base Jump, Swing Base, Swing Line
Verdon Craziness : Highline, Rope Jump, Base Jump, Swing Base, Swing Line
15 people + 3 highlines + one 70m rope jump + base gear = 4 days of pure Verdon craziness with some swingline (highline and rope jump), 3-ways basejump/rope jump and swingbase (rope jump and base jump).
PS : I am aware that the last jump (swingbase) is not that perfect, I hesitated a lot before adding it in the video. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance of doing another jump : I turned too much in my gainer, so I looked for the ground, faced the cliff, did an 180°, tracked for 1/2 sec and pulled. Next time will be better.
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