Rock Climbing Videos : Sport : First ascent of "Prince of Darkness" (7c), Fuchsley, Germany. 24.09.2011.
First ascent of "Prince of Darkness" (7c), Fuchsley, Germany. 24.09.2011.
First ascent of "Prince of Darkness" (7c), Fuchsley, Germany. 24.09.2011. The route requires "Old School-climbing" with small crimps and tiny footholds. After at least eight tries I got the first ascent. My belayer tried the route toprope and confirmed my suggested grade of 7c. The second ascent is still not realised...
On May 2010 I had a bad climbing-accident, following a convalescence of ten months without any climbing, so now I'm really happy to get back this climbing-level !|
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