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Rock Climbing Videos : Sport : Palomas Peak, New Mexico Rock Climbing GoPro Hero 2 (HD)

Palomas Peak, New Mexico Rock Climbing GoPro Hero 2 (HD)

lead rock climbing in Las Palomas Peak, New Mexico east of Albuquerque This route is called Wavy Gravy it is a 5.8 in the Sandia mountains Filled with my Go Pro Hero 2 HD outdoor edition camera Las Palomas Peak is an amazing place to rock climb, especially if you like sport rock climbing. A lengthy hike so go with locals since its easy to get lost. The ridge can be spotted from a mile away where you park. The walls there are called: Dihedral Area Entrance Area Randys Wall Red Light District Showdown Wall The Far Side The Far Side II The Franks The Slab Transition Zone Other places to rock climb around Albuquerque New Mexico are: 3 Gun Springs Big Block Fat City Bouldering Lower La Cueva Canyon Palomas Peak placitas Ranger Station Sandia Mountains Terraces U Mound Bouldering Other places to rock climb near central New Mexico are: Albuquerque Alto Lake Angel Rock Box Canyon Cabezone Peak Cochiti Mesa El Malpais Mentmore Rock New Canyon Ski Run Rock South Fork The Enchanted Tower The River Other places to rock climb near north west New Mexico are: Brazos Cliffs Ship Rock Other places to rock climb near northern New Mexico are: Bat CaveCactus Heaven Canada Cimarron Canyon Cowpatie Beach Crystal Cave Dead Cholla Wall Diablo Canyon El Rito Eldorado Community Reserve Glorieta Hermit Peak Johns Wall Las Conchas Los Alamos Mallette Park Outer limits Pecos philmont scout ranch Pilar Ponderosa Porvenir Canyon Powerline Boulders Questa Dome Rat's Peak River Wall Roadside Distraction Roy Canyon School House Shambhala Boulders Station #10 Sugarite State Park The Dump The Dungeon The Grotto The sqaut Overhang The Y Tooth of Time Ridge Tres Piedras Watership Cliff White Rock Other places to rock climb near south east New Mexico are: Capitan Mountains Wilderness Carlsbad Caverns National Park Last Chance Canyon Rough N, Ready Sitting Bull Falls The Tunnel Undisclosed Canyon Other places to rock climb near south west New Mexico are: Bear Boulders City of Rocks State Park Dona Ana Gila National Forest Organ Mountains Percha Creek Saddle Rock Spring Canyon State Park The Columns

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