Reimers Ranch "Reimerama" 5.10a GoPro lead rock climbing (HD)
first person POV of me lead climbing up "Reimerama" 5.10a on Dead Cat's wall
rock climbing at Reimers Ranch in Dripping Springs Texas.
filmed using my GoPro HD Hero 2 outdoors camera.
Other places at reimers ranch include:
north shore reimer's ranch house arbor wall hand beyond wall rope swing tree tit for tom area t-roofic wall arbor wall rhetoric wall dead cats wall serpent wall Zoe's wall sex canyon sex cave the dark side oblivion wall shortcake wall dr. suess wall prototype wall mai tai wall insect wall house of pain wall crankenstein wall teva slab digitron boulders worlds greatest boulder blank page kb-5 sidewinder dead cats annex el primero quality ivy mammaz boyz the sting name unknown hilti highway bolted like mexico centipede power snatch reimerama almost nothing to it my name is mud dead cats back flip water ballet scott's pelots mario's route smelling cat calvin clawing zoe hissing cloe rolly polly coco kitty lessa the purramatic 6000 kitty rhetoric wall punctuation mark rhetoric twymans folly schizophrenic calisthenics millennium wall rags to riches food rage millennium route oblivion wall shortcake wall got a dollar? crack ate the pipe gut punch the buddha fat chicks tryin to be sexy hat dance dr. suess wall smitten psychopath butter side up star belly sneech socks on chicks blowing smoke at the monkey sex cave lip service spider grind body wax lucky strikes head discharge liposuction donkey lady elephant man mud lip sex grind viper pulmonary choss high anxiety mistaken identity telegraph road sangre de muertos let them eat flake love is a fist bolous learning to fly hyper salvation super cruiser yearning to brawl no recess bros before hoes ORB repulsive antilla snuff the rooster zoes wall i never called you a beast maggies farm zoes first step 5.9 roof 5.10 roof
adventure belay big wall bouldering brothers cleerdin climb climbing crack climbing danger deep water soloing dws dyno enchanted rock extreme sports first ascent gear go gopro hd jarred lead metolius mexico monkey mountaineering new north carolina park peru potrero chico prana pro quarry rock rope sandstone scotland solo sport sticky the tower trad trad climbing traverse video wall water
Related Route
Route: | Reimerama ( 5.10a ) |
Location: | North_America: United_States: Texas: South_Central_Texas: Reimers_Ranch: Dead_Cats |
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