Rock Climbing : Comments
Comments by nfowler50 (5)
Article: How To use Trekking Poles
yeah man, I was stoked when i saw that, cant find anything anywhere, i was looking for tips on use, my manual didnt say anything, is the carbide tip only for ice and snow? how come one costs $70 and another of the same weight costs $16? big difference or no?
yeah man, I was stoked when i saw that, cant find anything anywhere, i was looking for tips on use, my manual didnt say anything, is the carbide tip only for ice and snow? how come one costs $70 and another of the same weight costs $16? big difference or no?
Article: The Spaces Between
Ha, other than that this seems impeccable and holds many laudable characteristics. I found it rather abstruse at first and read it a number of times to uncover its notably profound messages and meanings. I really appreciate that you posted this. It was very moving.
Ha, other than that this seems impeccable and holds many laudable characteristics. I found it rather abstruse at first and read it a number of times to uncover its notably profound messages and meanings. I really appreciate that you posted this. It was very moving.
Article: The Spaces Between
I believe you mean ineffable, not ineffible.
I believe you mean ineffable, not ineffible.
Article: Woman Falls To Her Death At Gym
I'm sorry to be a jerk... but 'baigot'.... the way you write makes it seem as though you have an IQ below 65! Go take an english class idiot.
I'm sorry to be a jerk... but 'baigot'.... the way you write makes it seem as though you have an IQ below 65! Go take an english class idiot.
Article: The Mental Toughness Error
so lets say he didnt go for the ballsy move... what then? try to down climb? your already pumped, he had to fall
so lets say he didnt go for the ballsy move... what then? try to down climb? your already pumped, he had to fall