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Rock Climbing : Help : Forums : How do I embed images in my posts?

How do I embed images in my posts?

Submitted by admin on 2006-11-12 | Last Modified on 2006-12-30

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Images can be embedded in forum posts using one of two tags:

Using the [image] tag

To use this tag the URL (internet address) of the image must be known. Put the following in your forum post at the place where you want to embed the image:


(example: [image][/image])


  • Display size of images will be limited to 450 pixels in width or height, whichever is the largest. If the image width or height is larger than 450 pixels, clicking on the embedded image will open a new window displaying the original sized image.
  • Images can be located anywhere on the internet, including in the Photos section of URLs of images in our Photos section can be found on the detail page of the particular image. Just below the image, you'll see links for "more sizes". Right-click and save the URL to the clipboard and paste it to your forum post between the [image] and [/image] tags. Please do not use the "original" size -- the embedded forum display will be resized anyway, and you will just waste bandwidth. Use the 300 pixels or 580 pixels version.
  • When quoting a post width embedded images, the images will by default not be shown in the quote.

Using the [inline] tag

To use this tag the image must be attached to the post (see how). Put the following in your forum post at the place where you want to embed the attached image:

[inline filename_of_attachment]

(example: [inline myattachment.jpg])


  • Display size of images will be limited to 450 pixels in width or height, whichever is the largest. If the image width or height is larger than 450 pixels, clicking on the embedded image will open a new window displaying the original sized image.
  • Since images are attachments to the post, they will also remain accessible via links at the bottom of the post.
  • When quoting a post width embedded images, the images will by default not be shown in the quote.
  • The attachments limits are as follows:
    • Community Forums: Maximum number of attachments = 5; Maximum attachment file size = 102400 bytes (100 KB)
    • All other Forums: Maximum number of attachments = 10; Maximum attachment file size = 153600 bytes (150 KB)


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