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Rock Climbing : Help : Photos : How do I upload a photo?

How do I upload a photo?

Submitted by admin on 2006-11-12

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To upload a photo, log in and go to the Photos section by clicking on "Photos" in the main navigation bar. Click on "Submit a Photo" in the blue local navigation bar under the main navigation. You'll be presented with the Photo Submission form. Use the Routes Linking browser to associate your image with the appropriate route or area. Photos associated with a route or area will be displayed in the Routes Database when users view that area or route.

Next you will see a area where you can upload your photo. Click on the "Browse" button and browse to the image on your hard drive. Select the image. When you submit your photo it will be automatically sized and uploaded to our server. Please note that your original image may not exceed 1MB or 2000x2000 pixels in size.

Complete as much information as possible about the photo. Remember to give credit to the photographer. Here are some additional options and flags for you to set:

Topo Image

Set this flag if your image is a decent Topo of a section or route.

Profile Icon

The last 10 photos that you uploaded with this flag set will be available to you to use as your avatar (icon) in the forums. Your most recent upload will be displayed on your Profile page.

Adult Content (Nudity)

While we allow the submission of photos that contain nudity (not porn!) we expect that you flag all images with adult content as such. This enables sensitive users to disable these images via their Adult Content Filter. Please be advised that content with nudity must still be climbing related.

Add to Album

If you have created Albums for yourself you can assign a photo to any of your albums when uploading it.


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