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Rock Climbing : Articles : Contests and Gear Giveaways : The 2009 Trango Homemade Cam World Cup Beauty Pageant

The 2009 Trango Homemade Cam World Cup Beauty Pageant

Submitted by j_ung on 2009-03-03 | Last Modified on 2009-03-06

Rating: 12345   Go Login to rate this article.   Votes: 4 | Views: 10601

by J. Young

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You can skip straight to the voting, if you’d like.

The deadline has passed and the entries are in, so it's time for the Trango 2009 Homemade Cam World Cup Beauty Pageant!

As you probably know, the competition is broken into two events, with the grand prize going to the entry that has the highest combined score for tests of strength and usability and a second prize going to the entry that gets the most user votes in the Beauty Pageant. The Beauty Pageant results do have some bearing on the overall results, so we need to get that out of the way first, i.e., now. The complete rules are available here, but for this part of the competition, it really is a simple matter of most votes = winner, and winner gets a set of Trango Ballnutz.

As for how to pick your vote, well, just select the one that's best. Of course best is a rather subjective term. It may mean "most suitable for climbing use" to one person and "most suitable for scaring away sport climbers" to another. But it doesn't really matter why you think the one you pick is best; only that you picked it. Feel free to share the rationale for your decision if you like, especially if it’s funny... and we’re betting it will be.

To give you a sense of scale, here is a picture of all of the entries together with a standard oval carabiner. Quite a range of sizes, huh?

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Okay, ready to see them close up and vote? Voting will remain live until adatesman wakes up Wednesday morning (3/11) and locks the voting thread. Have at it!

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