Forums: Climbing Information: Injury Treatment and Prevention: Re: [gogo] labral tear post-op: Edit Log


Dec 16, 2008, 7:46 PM

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Registered: Apr 28, 2008
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Re: [gogo] labral tear post-op
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I had a left labrum tear (SLAP lesion w/ no biceps tendon involvement) repaired on September 25th. I never have had much pain. I only took the heavy dope the first and second day...know from the get go that for the first 3 (maybe 4) weeks you will feel like an absolute cripple. It gets much much much better very fast after that, but for a month or so I really felt like I made the wrong decision in having it repaired (it wasn't THAT jacked up before) and was feeling depressed from not being able to workout much at all, much less climb. Stick to your PT and you will notice a huge improvement by week 6. I'm getting a lot stronger and finally got to do full pull ups at PT yesterday. I could probably do some light climbing right now (I'm not going to...don't want to risk it) but my doc expects me to be at 100% by March....everything has gone very well for me, but for a month or so it was pretty bad. I think if you know that going in it will help (I knew that too, but for some reason I still had trouble). I will also add to my crippled feeling that I'm left handed...and I never realized how much I do left handed, or how many things in life take both hands.

oh yeah and that sling is a BIATCH!!!! I absolutely hated it. I had to sleep in it for 6 weeks. Worst 6 weeks of sleep in my life.

good luck and heal religious about your PT.

(This post was edited by clowe6 on Dec 16, 2008, 7:49 PM)

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Post edited by clowe6 () on Dec 16, 2008, 7:49 PM

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