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Dec 16, 2006, 3:54 AM
Post #1 of 87 (19062 views)

Registered: Dec 11, 2006
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mad rock shoes
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my roommate is shopping for climbing and has mad rock shoes in mind but he really doesn't know to much about them so i told him i would drop a line and see if any one had any opinion on those or other climbing shops for beginners and if it makes a difference he's mainly going to do bouldering and hes 6' if that means anything


Dec 16, 2006, 5:08 AM
Post #2 of 87 (19042 views)

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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Well, seeing as how none of the experts have chimed in, I thought I'd give you what they all told me a long time ago when I asked the same question...

First, do some digging on here, there's tons of other people who have asked the same question. Unfortunately, that's where lots of the help on here stops.

But, seeing as how I'm bored tonight I'll fill you in with more. Go to a local climbing gym or climbing store. Talk to them. (if your local "climbing store" is a outdoor store make sure the person you're talking to actually knows something, many will try to help, but actually don't know a whole lot)

A good beginner shoe will be comfortable. You don't want to go too aggressive too quick. Once your friend has the bug enough, he won't mind his feet being in agony as long as he's climbing. You also don't need to spend a ton on the first pair. It would really suck to buy a $120 pair of shoes to find out you don't really like the sport a whole lot.

So, for entry level shoes...every company has them. Some may even be aimed at entry level. Do some more research, and more people are likely to help on here if you ask an informed quesion. (i.e. what do you think about shoe X vs. Y? I know that X has ____ but Y has ____, which is actually better and what is just a gimmick?) Hope this helps.


Dec 16, 2006, 6:17 AM
Post #3 of 87 (19025 views)

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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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My first pair of shoes that I got were Mad Rock Flash shoes. I got them on sale for $55, and they are working out great for me. The only thing I wished I had done differently were getting a full size down instead of just a half size, but in all fairness, I thought the pain was killer for the first 2 weeks or so, and then they stretched and I learned from the mistake. A friend of mine bought $120 pair of shoes the same way I got mine, and now he's stuck with $120 pair of too loose shoes, but it was both of our first shoe purchases. My opinion, just about any shoe is going to be good for getting into the sport. I now know what I like and don't like about my shoes, so when I go to get a more expensive pair (because the climbing bug apparently did more than just bite me) I will know what to look for and I will know a little bit more about how I think they should fit me.
I personally would just caution on spending too much money on the first pair unless he has a load of money just lying around that he wants to spend. I've unnecessarily been abusive to my shoes trying different things and pulling n00b moves in them, so I'm quite happy that I went with a cheaper pair.


Dec 16, 2006, 6:46 AM
Post #4 of 87 (19019 views)

Registered: Sep 24, 2006
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Re: [medicus] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Mad Rock shoes was started by some guys who walked out on 5.10, I've been told. So, they had some fine inside knowledge on proven designs.

My shoe right now is the MadRock Flash. I've heard a lot of people complain about durability, but I haven't had any issues. Real comfy, nice price, gets me up the wall.


Dec 16, 2006, 7:15 AM
Post #5 of 87 (19008 views)

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Re: [kjohnnytarr] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Evolv makes a better shoe for the money these days.

Also, their rep on here treats people like shit...I put a thread up about this a while back. titled "madrock: the user and the brand" you can find it if this interests you.

I won't buy from companies that have bad customer service, so I won't touch MR shoes. My Flashes climbed well enough, but my Evolv's work a lot better.



Dec 16, 2006, 9:29 AM
Post #6 of 87 (18996 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Well, I have never dealt with Mad Rock customer service and never will either. I buy from a retailer, and the retailer I buy from has great customer service, so when I go into their store, they help me pick things out. My shoes have worked just fine. I'm not tearing through 5.13+ climbs, so frankly, a lot of shoes are going to work fine for me.


Dec 16, 2006, 10:12 AM
Post #7 of 87 (18988 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Also, does one bad customer service rep mean that their entire line of customer service is bad? I don't know that I would feel comfortable saying I would never buy from Mad Rock because of one representative on an internet forum.


Dec 16, 2006, 11:42 AM
Post #8 of 87 (18980 views)

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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I had 2 pairs of Mad Rocks shoes. The Hookers and the Flashes. Mad Rock rubber wears waaaay to fast, and even though they are cheap and labeled as a noob shoe...they arn't. If you have bad footwork you will tear them up in 5-6 months. The Mad Rubber is verry sticky,so that is a plus. I use the Flashes outside for slabby routes, Hookers inside for gym climbing, and I have a diffrent pair of Miuras for hard routes outside. If he gets Mad Rocks,make sure he gets a soft shoe, and not a hard one like the Phoenixes, that way he will learn some footwork.

Hope that helps!


Dec 16, 2006, 7:50 PM
Post #9 of 87 (18948 views)

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Re: [medicus] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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medicus wrote:
Also, does one bad customer service rep mean that their entire line of customer service is bad? I don't know that I would feel comfortable saying I would never buy from Mad Rock because of one representative on an internet forum.

jimdavis seems to have a real hard-on for Mad Rock that he just won't let go. Personally, I find his comments to border on libel--as I have had nothing but great customer service from Mad Rock. I suspect his bad experience with Mad Rock was largely his own fault. Also, Evolv certainly makes a fine shoe, but to say outright they are "better" than Mad Rocks (particularly in terms of performance) is a statement that jimdavis is in no position to make.



Dec 16, 2006, 7:57 PM
Post #10 of 87 (18945 views)

Registered: Oct 25, 2006
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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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i have had the mad rock phenoixs (spelling?) as my first pair of climbing shoes and they were awsome. great great shoes for just begining. as i have started to move into the more technical range i treated myself to a pair of 5.10 galieos which are amazing, but for a first pair of climbing shoes, the phenoixes are a fantastic fantasic choice.


Dec 16, 2006, 8:29 PM
Post #11 of 87 (18934 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
medicus wrote:
Also, does one bad customer service rep mean that their entire line of customer service is bad? I don't know that I would feel comfortable saying I would never buy from Mad Rock because of one representative on an internet forum.

jimdavis seems to have a real hard-on for Mad Rock that he just won't let go. Personally, I find his comments to border on libel--as I have had nothing but great customer service from Mad Rock. I suspect his bad experience with Mad Rock was largely his own fault. Also, Evolv certainly makes a fine shoe, but to say outright they are "better" than Mad Rocks (particularly in terms of performance) is a statement that jimdavis is in no position to make.


Try again. I've climbed in both, sold both, watched a rental fleet of Madrock shoes fall apart quite rapidly, and watched a community of climbers have negative experiences with Madrock shoes. I've since seen many of my peers switch to Evolv, with me, and they've all been quite happy (only drawback we've seen is the lining can get pretty hot.)

Curt, if you read the thread, you'd have seen that my opinion of Madrock's customer service is not due to any specific personal interaction I had with them. More due to how Joe behaved on these boards.

FYI, this is not just one rep being a prick to someone once....It's the supervisor for US sales being a jerk time and time again on these boards. His company was notified about his actions, and couldn't have cared less how Joe was treating Madrock customers.

Want to talk about Libel? How about Joe's statments regarding Sterling Rope and their dry treatments, in a thread about a dry coatings on ropes?

As if his action on here weren't enough, he physically assulted (punched in the face) an employee of Sterling Rope at a trade show in Germany.

Those are the facts, and I choose not to support such a business. If you guys are OK with supporting such a business...go ahead. I've never told you not to. But you should be aware of how they opperate before you give them your money.



Dec 16, 2006, 9:11 PM
Post #12 of 87 (18914 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I am thoroughly annoyed at just reading this thread. The person is asking about if Mad Rock shoes would be okay for a beginner. I have been climbing for 4 months. Mine have worked very well for me. I don't care about the customer service, I just want to climb. Arguing over one petty sales representative that posts on internet forums is beyond me. Have fun with the arguments over the sales rep guy instead of the shoes, I'm leaving to go climb for the weekend.


Dec 16, 2006, 9:12 PM
Post #13 of 87 (18913 views)

Registered: Oct 12, 2004
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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I've owned the Mugens (original design), Hookers (original design), Flashes and the Locos. I've loved all of them except the Locos and it seems as if they fixed the things I didn't like about them with the new Super Locos. As mentioned before, if you don't have good footwork they don't last long. I've managed to get a full year out of a pair climbing 20+ hours a week on 'em.

On a side note to the other topic of this thread; I've never gotten anything but kindness from Mad Rock reps and who the hell is this Joe guy that we should know him by just his first name?


Dec 16, 2006, 9:17 PM
Post #14 of 87 (18905 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Also, what evolv's are you talking about? The cheapest pair I could find was $78... which is $21 more than my pair of mad rocks. $21 may just be $21, but that $21 helps out with a lot of the initial costs of just getting into climbing.

Now I really am going to go pack for my trip, so if/when you answer this, I probably won't get it for several days.


Dec 16, 2006, 9:27 PM
Post #15 of 87 (18901 views)

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Re: [medicus] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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medicus wrote:
I have been climbing for 4 months. Mine have worked very well for me. I don't care about the customer service, I just want to climb. Arguing over one petty sales representative that posts on internet forums is beyond me.

Maybe when you've been climbing a little longer, and have a need to interact with the companies you buy from, then you'll care about customer service. to me, that's what sets a good company apart from a bad one.

if you don't care, fine. customer service is paramount to me.

Joe, is Joe Garland...user name: madrock. I haven't seen him on here since he went to punch out that rep last year.



Dec 16, 2006, 9:34 PM
Post #16 of 87 (18895 views)

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Re: [medicus] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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medicus wrote:
Also, what evolv's are you talking about? The cheapest pair I could find was $78... which is $21 more than my pair of mad rocks. $21 may just be $21, but that $21 helps out with a lot of the initial costs of just getting into climbing.

Now I really am going to go pack for my trip, so if/when you answer this, I probably won't get it for several days.
I climb in Quest's, my buddies have Bandits, Kaos's, Defy's, and Predators.

Last I checked Flashes went for $69. Quests at $70-$80 are a better buy, IMO. Different shoe, but better quality.


Dec 17, 2006, 1:14 AM
Post #17 of 87 (18874 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Jim, you're a real piece of work. First you say:

"jimdavis wrote:
Curt, if you read the thread, you'd have seen that my opinion of Madrock's customer service is not due to any specific personal interaction I had with them.

Then you say:

jimdavis wrote:
Maybe when you've been climbing a little longer, and have a need to interact with the companies you buy from, then you'll care about customer service.

You're simply talikng out of your ass. Plus, no one cares what shoes you or your friends climb in, since most people I know could climb anything you have ever done wearing swim fins. Give the Mad Rock slandering a rest, for Christ sake.



Dec 17, 2006, 1:18 AM
Post #18 of 87 (18871 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Had a few minutes to kill while waiting on the buddies to get packed. Just because I have only been climbing for 4 months, doesn't mean I haven't had experience with companies. I have dealt with many companies, and while I understand the importance of customer service, I think you might just be going a little overboard. You even said yourself that Joe hasn't been around. You think maybe Mad Rock fired him? I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they did. So basically, you might be refusing to look at products from this company because of an ex-employee who posted on internet forums. When I bought my current laptop, customer service was important to me, and basically, I decided not to buy from one company over another because of it. However, I did not refuse to look at the other company just because I had bad experience with their rep who posted on forums. They still had good products, but ultimately I went with a different company. I don't fully appreciate being told that just because I have only been climbing for 4 months, means that I don't understand what makes a good company different from a bad company. That remark, while you made it subtle is insulting to me. Does this mean that for the next 4 years I am going to be posting stuff saying that your opinion is invalid, of course not. The reason I say what I did about Mad Rock, is I believe they are great for beginners. At least if nothing else, mine has been great for me. The question at hand was pertaining to another beginner. I thought my opinion of how the SHOES were would be acceptable, but because I have only been climbing for four months, I apparently don't understand as much as I should.
The thing that gets me, is I do understand where you are coming from. I have been there and done that, but from reading some of Joe's posts, and looking at all that... he has like 81 posts here... and none of them are very recent at all. It seems to me, that there may be a bit of a grudge being held.
Are Mad Rock shoes okay for a beginner? As a fellow beginner I say yes, because they are cheap and they work for learning basics. I will upgrade later on to more expensive/nicer shoes when these get worn out. If there is a bad customer service rep when I'm looking for a new pair of shoes that insults me, I probably wouldn't get their product, but as far as I can see, Joe hasn't been around for a long time, so for now I'll stay pretty dang happy with my Mad Rock Flashes that I bought for $55.

(This post was edited by medicus on Dec 17, 2006, 1:23 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 1:28 AM
Post #19 of 87 (18863 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
Jim, you're a real piece of work. First you say:

"jimdavis wrote:
Curt, if you read the thread, you'd have seen that my opinion of Madrock's customer service is not due to any specific personal interaction I had with them.

Then you say:

jimdavis wrote:
Maybe when you've been climbing a little longer, and have a need to interact with the companies you buy from, then you'll care about customer service.

You're simply talikng out of your ass. Plus, no one cares what shoes you or your friends climb in, since most people I know could climb anything you have ever done wearing swim fins. Give the Mad Rock slandering a rest, for Christ sake.


It's only slander if it isn't true...everything I've bought up about Joe can be seen publicly on these boards. As to your friends climbing everything I can in swimming fins...right. THAT'S not slanderous or anything...dipshit.

Why is it I'm talking out of my ass again? Try reading it again if you don't get it. Your a smart guy, right Curt?


Dec 17, 2006, 1:45 AM
Post #20 of 87 (18854 views)

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Re: [medicus] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Medicus, I hope your right, that he did get fired. He's been fired from every other place he's worked at in the industry, too! Unfortunatly, I contacted the company asking them is his behavior was acceptable by them, they didn't have a problem with it, and he's one of the senior staff at MR. So I don't see him going anywhere. As of last year, he was still with the company.

He treated the buying public like shit on here, and I spoke up about it. I've worked with plenty of reps in the paddlesports, and climbing industry, and he shouldn't have a job doing it. He took on the name of his company as his username, and acted like a jerk. If he wants to do it afterwork, that's his business....when he's posting using his company's name...that bugs me.

I flat out told him I'd give him a hard time about it until he appoligized to the users and the boards here for his actions...he didn't, tried to insult me as well...and I'm keeping my promise.

You said customer service isn't important to you, and that you've only been at it for 4 months. Well, bottom line is your gonna have questions about gear...and if you've been climbing for 4 months, and only have a pair of shoes and some other gym gear or whatever...then you probably haven't gone out shopping for a rack and contacted companies with some specific questions about their gear. So, given that you have a pretty limited experience with this...I said what I did. You can take offense if you want, it wasn't intended. If I wanted to insult you, my post would have sounded more like Curt's.

Again, my comments have spoken to the customer service and company presence on these boards. If you like their products and choose to support them...then go ahead. Your money buys a product, but it also supports a company...



Dec 17, 2006, 2:03 AM
Post #21 of 87 (18852 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
Medicus, I hope your right, that he did get fired. He's been fired from every other place he's worked at in the industry, too! Unfortunatly, I contacted the company asking them is his behavior was acceptable by them, they didn't have a problem with it, and he's one of the senior staff at MR. So I don't see him going anywhere. As of last year, he was still with the company.

He treated the buying public like shit on here, and I spoke up about it. I've worked with plenty of reps in the paddlesports, and climbing industry, and he shouldn't have a job doing it. He took on the name of his company as his username, and acted like a jerk. If he wants to do it afterwork, that's his business....when he's posting using his company's name...that bugs me.

I flat out told him I'd give him a hard time about it until he appoligized to the users and the boards here for his actions...he didn't, tried to insult me as well...and I'm keeping my promise.

You said customer service isn't important to you, and that you've only been at it for 4 months. Well, bottom line is your gonna have questions about gear...and if you've been climbing for 4 months, and only have a pair of shoes and some other gym gear or whatever...then you probably haven't gone out shopping for a rack and contacted companies with some specific questions about their gear. So, given that you have a pretty limited experience with this...I said what I did. You can take offense if you want, it wasn't intended. If I wanted to insult you, my post would have sounded more like Curt's.

Again, my comments have spoken to the customer service and company presence on these boards. If you like their products and choose to support them...then go ahead. Your money buys a product, but it also supports a company...


I have an entire sport climbing rack. I have contacted people about the gear they sell and not the companies. I was taking an introduction to climbing through my local climbing gym, so there are many people there with more knowledge than me that I have learned from. I can ask them questions about gear, and they answer without trying to sell me certain brands over others. They tell me what has worked for them and what they think I should get as a newer climber. I have much more than just "gym" gear. The places I shop for gear, I also love the customer service they offer me. They are the ones that hooked me up with the mad rock shoes, and they were nice. Granted, they are retailers, but as I said, they also provided me with more of an unbiased idea of what I should buy. I just don't appreciate being talked down to purely because I am a newer climber. I was saying customer service wasn't important to me with the intent of saying that as a beginner, I just wanted to get a cheap pair of shoes that would get me through my first few months. As for the "talking out of your ass comment," I believe he said that because you said you had previously had no direct contact with Joe, and then you said that direct contact with customer service is very important to you.
I only find offense with the way it seems that you are talking down to me. Even though I am only 4 months into this experience, I think as a beginner, I hold a valuable opinion of the shoes from a beginner's perspective. Anyways, my buddies are finished packing gear, so I'm heading out. Later


Dec 17, 2006, 2:26 AM
Post #22 of 87 (18844 views)

Registered: May 1, 2003
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Re: [medicus] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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medicus wrote:
I have an entire sport climbing rack.
I have much more than just "gym" gear.
I was saying customer service wasn't important to me with the intent of saying that as a beginner, I just wanted to get a cheap pair of shoes that would get me through my first few months.

As for the "talking out of your ass comment," I believe he said that because you said you had previously had no direct contact with Joe, and then you said that direct contact with customer service is very important to you.

I only find offense with the way it seems that you are talking down to me.

Sorry dude, but a set of draws doesn't constitute a rack, it's gym gear. When you start researching every cam, nut, hex, etc on the market....then we can talk.

I posted my opinions about Joe due to what I saw on these boards. I contacted his customer service dept about his behavior...they backed him, I know what I think about them.

The support I get from companies is important. How Madrock (the user, and considering that the company supported his actions, the company as well) treats their customers is unacceptable to me. Most every other company I've worked with has been extreemly helpful.

So what I said is true, it wasn't 1 specific personal interaction between Joe and I that caused me to speak up, it was the image he gave his company. However, how a company treats its customers, is important to, where's the confussion with what I've said?



Dec 17, 2006, 3:03 AM
Post #23 of 87 (18836 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
...It's only slander if it isn't true...everything I've bought up about Joe can be seen publicly on these boards. As to your friends climbing everything I can in swimming fins...right. THAT'S not slanderous or anything...dipshit...

jimdavis's Logbook

2006-10-15 Red Point V0 Bilbo's Revenge
2006-10-14 Red Point V0 Cream
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.7 Funhouse
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.6 Thin Air ***
2006-10-09 Onsight 5.7 Slabs Direct
2006-10-09 Top Rope 5.5 Upper Refuse
2006-10-01 Red Point 5.7 Gunklandia **
2006-05-12 Top Rope 5.8 Thinner *
2005-02-16 Red Point WI3 Main Pillar
2004-09-25 Onsight 5.7 Old Town ***
2004-09-12 Top Rope 5.5 Standard Route
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.3 Betty
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.6 Spare Ribs
2004-05-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.8 Slice Of The Gunks
2004-05-05 Top Rope
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.10c Route Awakening
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.9 Wheaties
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.10b Attitude Adjuster
2004-04-30 Red Point 5.4 Easy Stuff
2004-03-12 Red Point 5.8 Itching to Climb
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.9 They Died Laughing
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.8 Mantleshelf
2003-09-27 Top Rope 5.8 Alley Fox
2003-09-14 Hang Dog 5.9 Hard Stuff
2003-09-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2003-08-03 Red Point 5.6 Neophyte Delight
2003-07-04 Flash 5.10b Puss in Boots
2003-07-04 Red Point 5.9 Orange Sunshine
2003-07-04 Top Rope
2003-07-04 Flash 5.7 Dancing Nancy
2003-04-20 Onsight 5.5 Pried and Joy
2003-04-12 Top Rope 5.7 Foxy Lady
2003-04-12 Onsight 5.8 Upside Down Staircase

Sorry, I should have said "roller skates." That shit would be way too easy in swim fins. HaHa. fucking poseur.


(This post was edited by curt on Dec 17, 2006, 3:24 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:22 AM
Post #24 of 87 (18823 views)

Registered: May 1, 2003
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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
...It's only slander if it isn't true...everything I've bought up about Joe can be seen publicly on these boards. As to your friends climbing everything I can in swimming fins...right. THAT'S not slanderous or anything...dipshit...

No, that is just a fact. You're one of the most clueless gumbies on this site--and you're trying, in this very thread, to tell another poster that they should have more experience before posting their opinion. Try looking in a mirror, weakmo.


And your one of the most arrogant prick on this site. As for a clueless gumby...who's the genius that tried to argue that a Reebok is a good belay device?

I don't need to defend myself to you Curt, I've impressed enough people I've met personally, that anything you have to say in your pot-shot posts has little value to me.


(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 17, 2006, 3:25 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:30 AM
Post #25 of 87 (18815 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
...It's only slander if it isn't true...everything I've bought up about Joe can be seen publicly on these boards. As to your friends climbing everything I can in swimming fins...right. THAT'S not slanderous or anything...dipshit...
jimdavis's Logbook

2006-10-15 Red Point V0 Bilbo's Revenge
2006-10-14 Red Point V0 Cream
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.7 Funhouse
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.6 Thin Air ***
2006-10-09 Onsight 5.7 Slabs Direct
2006-10-09 Top Rope 5.5 Upper Refuse
2006-10-01 Red Point 5.7 Gunklandia **
2006-05-12 Top Rope 5.8 Thinner *
2005-02-16 Red Point WI3 Main Pillar
2004-09-25 Onsight 5.7 Old Town ***
2004-09-12 Top Rope 5.5 Standard Route
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.3 Betty
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.6 Spare Ribs
2004-05-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.8 Slice Of The Gunks
2004-05-05 Top Rope
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.10c Route Awakening
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.9 Wheaties
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.10b Attitude Adjuster
2004-04-30 Red Point 5.4 Easy Stuff
2004-03-12 Red Point 5.8 Itching to Climb
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.9 They Died Laughing
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.8 Mantleshelf
2003-09-27 Top Rope 5.8 Alley Fox
2003-09-14 Hang Dog 5.9 Hard Stuff
2003-09-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2003-08-03 Red Point 5.6 Neophyte Delight
2003-07-04 Flash 5.10b Puss in Boots
2003-07-04 Red Point 5.9 Orange Sunshine
2003-07-04 Top Rope
2003-07-04 Flash 5.7 Dancing Nancy
2003-04-20 Onsight 5.5 Pried and Joy
2003-04-12 Top Rope 5.7 Foxy Lady
2003-04-12 Onsight 5.8 Upside Down Staircase

Sorry, I should have said "roller skates." That shit would be way too easy in swim fins. HaHa. fucking poseur.


Only a short-sighted fool would both assume that the list in an ONLINE profile is complete and an accurate depiction of one's ability, as well as to assume that the difficulty at which one climbs has anything to do with their knowledge as a climber.

Perhaps a well known quote is worth repeating..."The best climber is the one having the most fun." I'm sure you can debate the merit of that statement at your next mensa meeting.


(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 17, 2006, 3:32 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:31 AM
Post #26 of 87 (10419 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
And your one of the most arrogant prick(s) on this site.

Arrogant? Perhaps, but at least I don't combine that with incompetence--like you.

jimdavis wrote:
I don't need to defend myself to you Curt, I've impressed enough people I've met personally, that anything you have to say in your pot-shot posts has little value to me.


You must know a lot of people who are easily impressed.


Partner angry

Dec 17, 2006, 3:34 AM
Post #27 of 87 (10413 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
And your one of the most arrogant prick on this site. As for a clueless gumby...who's the genius that tried to argue that a Reebok is a good belay device?

That thread was nothing short of brilliant.


Dec 17, 2006, 3:38 AM
Post #28 of 87 (10409 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
And your one of the most arrogant prick(s) on this site.

Arrogant? Perhaps, but at least I don't combine that with incompetence--like you.

jimdavis wrote:
I don't need to defend myself to you Curt, I've impressed enough people I've met personally, that anything you have to say in your pot-shot posts has little value to me.


You must know a lot of people who are easily impressed.


Your gonna have to argue a different route than incompetence, Curt. I, unlike you, have spent the time and money to be trained and evaluated by multiple professionals. Guess the rest of us have to just take you at your word. Forgive me if your word means nothing to me.

I will consider you the foremost expert on the foot-belay though.


(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 17, 2006, 3:40 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:44 AM
Post #29 of 87 (10404 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
...Only a short-sighted fool would both assume that the list in an ONLINE profile is complete and an accurate depiction of one's ability, as well as to assume that the difficulty at which one climbs has anything to do with their knowledge as a climber.

Yeah, right--I'm sure your extreme modesty has caused you to omit all the hardcore ascents you have done in your exalted climbing career. Nice job on redpointing the 5.4, by the way. Too bad you didn't get the flash. Haha.

Anyway, the topic of this thread was Mad Rock climbing shoes. Sorry, but if you don't climb at least to some respectable technical standard, you are totally unqualified to assess the ultimate performance of any given shoe. You being knowledgeable as a climber is a total joke. You're clueless. Worse yet (by far) is that you try to act otherwise.

jimdavis wrote:
Perhaps a well known quote is worth repeating..."The best climber is the one having the most fun." I'm sure you can debate the merit of that statement at your next mensa meeting.

Well, I certainly won't be running into you there. Are you having fun yet?


(This post was edited by curt on Dec 17, 2006, 4:08 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:50 AM
Post #30 of 87 (10400 views)

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Re: [angry] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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angry wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
And your one of the most arrogant prick on this site. As for a clueless gumby...who's the genius that tried to argue that a Reebok is a good belay device?

That thread was nothing short of brilliant.

Thanks--I'm quite proud of that one. Oh, by the way, they were Merrells, Jim. Only a fucking lunatic would try to belay with Reeboks.


(This post was edited by curt on Dec 17, 2006, 4:08 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:52 AM
Post #31 of 87 (10398 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
[ You being knowledgeable as climber is a total joke. You're clueless. Worse yet (by far) is that you try to act otherwise.

No, I have a pretty good idea about things, Curt. And if your gonna try and call me least try and remember the "a" before "climber".

Tell me though, is it that you have any idea what I really know? You know, being that you have never met me personally, nor anyone who I ever worked with/ climbed with?

Oh, that's just always assume you're correct about everything...a trend we see in your posts. Don't let me step in now after you've made it up past 10,000 posts in which haven't been wrong yet, and let you know that your not God's gift to climbing...nor the internet.


(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 17, 2006, 3:54 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:55 AM
Post #32 of 87 (10395 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
angry wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
And your one of the most arrogant prick on this site. As for a clueless gumby...who's the genius that tried to argue that a Reebok is a good belay device?

That thread was nothing short of brilliant.

Thanks--I'm quite proud of that one. Oh, by the way, they we Merrells, Jim. Only a fucking lunatic would try to belay with Reeboks.


Thanks for clearing that up, Curt! What ever was I thinking?

(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 17, 2006, 3:57 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 3:59 AM
Post #33 of 87 (10390 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
Tell me though, is it that you have any idea what I really know? You know, being that you have never met me personally, nor anyone who I ever worked with/ climbed with?


That's a fair question, Jim. In all honesty, you could actually know what you're talking about, but just hide it extremely well.



Dec 17, 2006, 4:29 AM
Post #34 of 87 (10380 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
medicus wrote:
I have an entire sport climbing rack.
I have much more than just "gym" gear.
I was saying customer service wasn't important to me with the intent of saying that as a beginner, I just wanted to get a cheap pair of shoes that would get me through my first few months.

As for the "talking out of your ass comment," I believe he said that because you said you had previously had no direct contact with Joe, and then you said that direct contact with customer service is very important to you.

I only find offense with the way it seems that you are talking down to me.

Sorry dude, but a set of draws doesn't constitute a rack, it's gym gear. When you start researching every cam, nut, hex, etc on the market....then we can talk.

I posted my opinions about Joe due to what I saw on these boards. I contacted his customer service dept about his behavior...they backed him, I know what I think about them.

The support I get from companies is important. How Madrock (the user, and considering that the company supported his actions, the company as well) treats their customers is unacceptable to me. Most every other company I've worked with has been extreemly helpful.

So what I said is true, it wasn't 1 specific personal interaction between Joe and I that caused me to speak up, it was the image he gave his company. However, how a company treats its customers, is important to, where's the confussion with what I've said?


Just our of curiousity, when was the last time you brought in an outside a set of draws and used them in a gym? SOmething smells ripe and it a'int the daisies...

(This post was edited by secretninja on Dec 17, 2006, 4:32 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 4:31 AM
Post #35 of 87 (10377 views)

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Re: [secretninja] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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secretninja wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
medicus wrote:
I have an entire sport climbing rack.
I have much more than just "gym" gear.
I was saying customer service wasn't important to me with the intent of saying that as a beginner, I just wanted to get a cheap pair of shoes that would get me through my first few months.

As for the "talking out of your ass comment," I believe he said that because you said you had previously had no direct contact with Joe, and then you said that direct contact with customer service is very important to you.

I only find offense with the way it seems that you are talking down to me.

Sorry dude, but a set of draws doesn't constitute a rack, it's gym gear. When you start researching every cam, nut, hex, etc on the market....then we can talk.

I posted my opinions about Joe due to what I saw on these boards. I contacted his customer service dept about his behavior...they backed him, I know what I think about them.

The support I get from companies is important. How Madrock (the user, and considering that the company supported his actions, the company as well) treats their customers is unacceptable to me. Most every other company I've worked with has been extreemly helpful.

So what I said is true, it wasn't 1 specific personal interaction between Joe and I that caused me to speak up, it was the image he gave his company. However, how a company treats its customers, is important to, where's the confussion with what I've said?


Just our of curiousity, when was the last time you brought in an outside a set of draws and used them in a gym?

the last time I lead in a gym, i did.



Dec 17, 2006, 4:52 AM
Post #36 of 87 (10367 views)

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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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akaerik21 wrote:
and if it makes a difference he's mainly going to do bouldering and hes 6' if that means anything
Oh, 6 feet is he? Good thing you mentioned that. I was going to suggest the La Sportiva Muira but that has been known to spontaneously combust on people taller than 5'6. Better go with a 5.10 slipper. Laugh

Partner heximp

Dec 17, 2006, 4:59 AM
Post #37 of 87 (10363 views)

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Re: [secretninja] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Back to the subject,
I liked my Mad Rocks, they just wore out too quick. Yet for the price they are going for, you can't go wrong. It is a very descent shoe for the price.
Yet if I was looking for a quality shoe...
I love my Acopa's. They have lasted, plus the rubber has remained sticky through their lifetime. Plus, now that the high tops are out... I am in heaven.


Dec 17, 2006, 5:03 AM
Post #38 of 87 (10362 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
...the last time I lead in a gym, i did.


Priceless. Did you redpoint the 5.5 green route?



Dec 17, 2006, 5:18 AM
Post #39 of 87 (10354 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
...the last time I lead in a gym, i did.


Priceless. Did you redpoint the 5.5 green route?


No, I dogged all over it. My Madrocks held me back.



Dec 17, 2006, 5:24 AM
Post #40 of 87 (10348 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
I, unlike you, have spent the time and money to be trained and evaluated by multiple professionals.

Would you please read this to yourself.


Dec 17, 2006, 5:34 AM
Post #41 of 87 (10340 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
medicus wrote:
I have an entire sport climbing rack.
I have much more than just "gym" gear.
I was saying customer service wasn't important to me with the intent of saying that as a beginner, I just wanted to get a cheap pair of shoes that would get me through my first few months.

As for the "talking out of your ass comment," I believe he said that because you said you had previously had no direct contact with Joe, and then you said that direct contact with customer service is very important to you.

I only find offense with the way it seems that you are talking down to me.

Sorry dude, but a set of draws doesn't constitute a rack, it's gym gear. When you start researching every cam, nut, hex, etc on the market....then we can talk...
You are an elitist prick. Didn't he refer to his rack as a sport rack?
You paid Mark Synott to teach you to climb, he is one hell of a nice person, why not pay him to teach you some manners?

(This post was edited by miavzero on Dec 17, 2006, 5:36 AM)


Dec 17, 2006, 5:59 AM
Post #42 of 87 (10332 views)

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Re: [miavzero] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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miavzero wrote:
You are an elitist prick. Didn't he refer to his rack as a sport rack?
You paid Mark Synott to teach you to climb, he is one hell of a nice person, why not pay him to teach you some manners?

Sorry, but I don't consider the term "rack" to much apply to sport climbing.

Your right, Mark is a world class guy. I've know him for 4 years, and he's been nothing but helpfull, accomidating and a ton of fun to hang out with.

Perhaps you missed how the posters length of experience, as well as amount of gear purchased/ customer service requested was of relevance, when the comment was made.

Funny how I get the red card for manners, considering who else is involved in the thread.Laugh



Dec 17, 2006, 6:30 AM
Post #43 of 87 (10326 views)

Registered: Jul 23, 2006
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Re: [climbsomething] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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climbsomething wrote:
akaerik21 wrote:
and if it makes a difference he's mainly going to do bouldering and hes 6' if that means anything
Oh, 6 feet is he? Good thing you mentioned that. I was going to suggest the La Sportiva Muira but that has been known to spontaneously combust on people taller than 5'6. Better go with a 5.10 slipper. Laugh

Come on, climbsomething; are you trying to rip him off? You know that 5.10 are named that way for a reason. At 6', there's no way he'll ever fit into them. Even if he's 5'11", no go--you really would have thought they would have designed their line of shoes for more than one particular height. Wink

On a more serious note, I will talk briefly about my personal experience with Mad Rock shoes. I have had three pair of Mugen (all the old style), and have found them to wear more quickly than the 5.10 shoes that I have had for similar amounts of time. One possibility is that I have used the Mad Rocks more in the gym, since I have always bought them as inexpensive gym shoes, though they did fit well enough that I ended up using them for a fair bit of sport climbing and bouldering. I feel, though I have no proof, that this is not the only effect, and that they do wear faster than many other shoes; in particular, the second rubber density around the toes disappeared fast for me, and the more recent pair I actually wore all the way through the rubber around the toes. As a result, I have recently shifted to Evolvs and La Sportivas for both my outdoor and gym shoes, both for better fit (obviously very individual) and in the hopes of having shoes which last longer. In the past, I found a tradeoff of shorter lifetime for less money advantageous; at this point, I have decided to go the opposite route.

I believe the most important thing with climbing shoes is fit, so would suggest that your friend tries on shoes before he buys anything. I disagree with bues, as I purchased an expensive pair of shoes for my first pair (5.10 Huecos), and they served me very well for 5 years through 2 resoles (retiring them this year was rather sad). However, those were shoes used mainly for cracks and trad climbing, so I would not have wanted them as tightly fit as I would a sport climbing or bouldering shoe. However, I don't believe that going with an inexpensive shoe like one of the Mad Rocks is a bad idea, and have pointed a few beginner friends towards similarly priced shoes myself.

In terms of fit, I tend to tell people who are just beginning that they should have their toes just starting to curl; I find that often gets to a point of decent fit without putting them in so much pain that they don't want to climb. Make sure that he is aware that unlined, real leather shoes may stretch, whereas lined leather shoes and synthetic leather will stretch less or not at all. Hope this rather long-winded post has been a little helpful.


Dec 17, 2006, 6:22 PM
Post #44 of 87 (10316 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
miavzero wrote:
You are an elitist prick. Didn't he refer to his rack as a sport rack?
You paid Mark Synott to teach you to climb, he is one hell of a nice person, why not pay him to teach you some manners?

...Funny how I get the red card for manners, considering who else is involved in the thread.Laugh


Actually, it makes perfect sense to most people.



Dec 17, 2006, 7:09 PM
Post #45 of 87 (10309 views)

Registered: Nov 29, 2006
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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I've got the Flashs. Been climbing in them for about two and a half months in a gym. I actually bought a full size bigger than my shoe size. Why, I don't know. They've stretched out a bit, and I need to crank the straps pretty tight if I'm on a real techy route. But they're comfortable, they're easy to get on and off, and they work great for heel hooks and smearing. Edging and toeing, not so great, but adequate, and actually I've been having to focus on my footwork more because of that. I'm sure if I had some very rigid shoes that could edge on anything, I wouldn't need to hone my bodypositioning and balance as carefully as I do sometimes. All in all I like them, and am not looking for a new shoe anytime soon. I haven't had any durability issues yet, but again, I've only been climbing in them since the beggining of October. They were relatively cheap, comfortable, and don't smell awful yet. They do bleed my feet orange after every session, doesn't matter to me but I bet I've gotten some stares on the street afterwards.

Hope that helps.


Dec 17, 2006, 8:02 PM
Post #46 of 87 (10298 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
miavzero wrote:
You are an elitist prick. Didn't he refer to his rack as a sport rack?
You paid Mark Synott to teach you to climb, he is one hell of a nice person, why not pay him to teach you some manners?

...Funny how I get the red card for manners, considering who else is involved in the thread.Laugh


Actually, it makes perfect sense to most people.


This from a guy who wished a fellow'er had been shot in the face, while being robbed at gun-point. And why did you say that again, Curt? Oh yeah, their grammer wasn't perfect.;so=ASC;mh=25;

curt wrote:
In reply to:
Curt youre on of life's true idiots

It's "you're" and "one" Einstein. Oh, and a period is nice at the end of a sentence, genius. Jesus, it's too bad the guy didn't just pull the trigger.


I'm done with you, wanna argue more, do it over PM and let them debate the shoes.


(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 17, 2006, 8:12 PM)


Dec 17, 2006, 8:44 PM
Post #47 of 87 (10288 views)

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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
miavzero wrote:
You are an elitist prick. Didn't he refer to his rack as a sport rack?
You paid Mark Synott to teach you to climb, he is one hell of a nice person, why not pay him to teach you some manners?

...Funny how I get the red card for manners, considering who else is involved in the thread.Laugh


Actually, it makes perfect sense to most people.


This from a guy who wished a fellow'er had been shot in the face, while being robbed at gun-point. And why did you say that again, Curt? Oh yeah, their grammer wasn't perfect.

That comment was made in jest--being pretty sure (at the time) that the OP was a troll. I later apologized. Now, I'm beginning to think you are also a troll, because nobody could actually be as dense in real-life as you appear to be here. Have fun redpointing your 5.4s and impersonating a knowledgeable climber on the internet.

In summary, you are a wonderful example to other new climbers here at of what not to become. You lack any meaningful climbing experience or ability and thus your entire collection of "knowledge" comes from either what some "trained individuals" told you--or what you read in books. The obvious problem is that you're such a n00b that you have absolutely no way of evaluating if what you are hearing or reading is correct.

You continue to hold yourself out here as someone who is qualified to give advice to others--when the best thing for everyone concerned would be for you to simply remain silent and try to learn something yourself.



Dec 17, 2006, 9:54 PM
Post #48 of 87 (10269 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Curt, when you can prove that something I do when I'm out climbing is unsafe, or just plain wrong...then I'll take what you've said into consideration. Until then your just taking shots in the dark.

In the mean time, you do nothing but offer hostility and "STFU n00b" comments to users on this site...contributing nothing informative to anyone. The biggest contribution you have yet to make to this site has been the advocation of a foot belay. :LOL:

You a middle aged man, who feels the need to respond at length about the inexperience of others whom you've never met, purely because your intelligence or wit feels challenged. You're bitter, arrogant, insecure, and have yet to offer anything on this site that would indicate that you have the faintest clue about rigging any climbing systems. The only card you have to play is your age, and your number of years spent climbing.

Go buy a red sports car, date a girl half your age, post thousands of negative comments on here about how "n00bs need to STFU!" whatever you need to do to prove yourself to the world. Your message is lost on you have nothing to offer except assumptions you can never prove.



Dec 17, 2006, 10:22 PM
Post #49 of 87 (10261 views)

Registered: Dec 22, 2004
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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alright, to help the poster out, for your first pair of shoes, your 1st priority is fit andf then comes price. there are a number of shoes that will fit you well. My first pair were a 60 dollar pair of cheap and stiff montrails i got on sale at rei. they served my purpose. they got me into climbing and made me get used to developing technique so my foot work wouldn't suck later on and helped me get my feet strong enough so i wouldnt feel i was dying when i made my next shoe purchase, which were a pair of 5.10 moccs, which are soft and will improve your foot muscles greatly.

for your first pair of shoes, i wouldn't care what brand you got, as long as it wont fall apart in your first couple months climbing, fit well, and are at a price you are willing to pay.
For fit, it depends on synthetic or leather. leather stretches, synthetic doesnt, but it does "mold" to your foot. Make sure you get them snug, as in, you shouldnt be able to wiggle your toes, maybe even have them bent a little (cuz they will stretch if they are leather), but dont get them tight like a performance shoe where you want your toes to be bent after they stretch. I would also reccomend a pair of lace ups, that way you can fine tune your fit as it stretches and keep it climbable and comfortable.

As far as mad rock vs. evolv after your first pair, i have always liked evolv and how they handle buisness. I do not like how some of mad rock's selling points seem like gimmicks to me. for example, the toothed heel seems like it would actually lessen rubber contact with rock instead of improve it. The dual rubber thing on the sole also seems like a gimmick because the idea is that you have hard durable rubber for edging arong the outside of the shoe, but soft rubber for smearing toward the center of the sole. 1st off, i dont see how you will get the soft rubber to smear if it is elevated. i think the concept is a good one (the idea of a stiff frame embeded inside the rubber, and a level sole with the 2 kinds of rubber) but the currect design doesnt make sense.

bottom line, buy someting that fits well and inexpensive for your first shoe.


Dec 17, 2006, 11:04 PM
Post #50 of 87 (10248 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
...You a middle aged man, who feels the need to respond at length about the inexperience of others whom you've never met, purely because your intelligence or wit feels challenged. You're bitter, arrogant, insecure...


My Australian Cattle Dog challenges my intelligence more than you do, Jim. Also, I'm afraid you're not any more of a psychologist than you are a climber. Congratulations on now demonstrating incompetence in multiple disciplines.

"Why people fail to recognize their own incompetence

David Dunning1, Kerri Johnson, Joyce Ehrlinger and Justin Kruger

Successful negotiation of everyday life would seem to require people to possess insight about deficiencies in their intellectual and social skills. However, people tend to be blissfully unaware of their incompetence. This lack of awareness arises because poor performers are doubly cursed: Their lack of skill deprives them not only of the ability to produce correct responses, but also of the expertise necessary to surmise that they are not producing them. People base their perceptions of performance, in part, on their preconceived notions about their skills. Because these notions often do not correlate with objective performance, they can lead people to make judgments about their performance that have little to do with actual accomplishment."

Since you obviously fall into the category they are referencing, I'll spell it out for you. They're talking about you.


(This post was edited by curt on Dec 17, 2006, 11:33 PM)


Dec 17, 2006, 11:58 PM
Post #51 of 87 (8366 views)

Registered: Aug 18, 2006
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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I dont mean to butt in here, seeing how i have little authority to weigh in on the ethical issues being perused here, i just wanted to share that i have a pair of mad rock phoenixes, and theyre working out for me as a quazi-n00b, and i just bought a pair of La Sportiva Barracudas. They were twice as much, so i hope they dont suck.

Ethically speaking, (sorry, i couldnt help myself) i see it as being sort of like a person liking metallica. We can all agree that as people they are pretty lame (with all the napster stuff and selling out their fans) but its hard to argue the fact that they have written some catchy tunes.

in any case, this is way better than myspace. carry on!


Dec 18, 2006, 1:33 AM
Post #52 of 87 (8353 views)

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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Now, for a post that's actually on topic. I think Mad Rock makes a terrific shoe for the money. Their Formula 5 rubber is perhaps the stickiest climbing shoe rubber on the market at higher temperature ranges. Whereas various tests have shown most climbing shoe rubber (C4, Vibram, etc.) to have maximum friction at around 50 degrees, F, the Mad Rock rubber has maximal friction in the 65 to 85 degree F range.

I particularly like the new, redesigned (gray colored) Mad Rock Phoenix shoe. They are extremely comfortable, slightly more aggressive than the old Phoenix and don't turn my feet yellow. They're a great all-around shoe, and work well on friction, pockets, edges and most anything else--at least up through V8 and 5.12 climbing. Beyond that, you'll have to ask someone else.



Dec 18, 2006, 3:46 AM
Post #53 of 87 (8332 views)

Registered: Sep 30, 2006
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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I love it, this is the thread that made me want to post. The irony of two trash talkers battleing it out while some dude just wants to know which pair of shoes would be best. Maybe someday he can be cool enough to talk trash on an internet forum.
And, if you search for mad rock on the forums, there are like 150 pages of crap on mad rock shoes.
Just buy some shoes and climb, man! I just blew the toe out of my mad rocks, and on a whim, I tried on my girlfriends shoes. She has way smaller feet then mine, and I snugged right into them with my toes all curled under how I like them, and I was like
"you can climb in these?" She was like "yeah, don't stretch them out!"
I had know idea, and I think she is a good climber. I think it's what you like, and you've got to figure it out on your own.
For real.


Dec 18, 2006, 4:14 AM
Post #54 of 87 (8326 views)

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Re: [painter] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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painter wrote:
...Maybe someday he can be cool enough to talk trash on an internet forum...

Perhaps he will even end up adding the same kind of valuable content here that you have. Who knows?



Dec 19, 2006, 3:28 AM
Post #55 of 87 (8286 views)

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Re: mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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This is what I answered in a similar thread.
So, yeah, in my opinion MadRocks are as good as any other brand for a first pair of shoes*. Unless your roommate is a gifted climber he probably won't notice a big difference in performance at the beginning regardless the brand or model.

* which obviously does NOT necessarily imply that they are NOT good for advanced climbers.... just to avoid misunderstandings.

(This post was edited by yokese on Dec 19, 2006, 3:34 AM)


Dec 20, 2006, 4:50 PM
Post #56 of 87 (8256 views)

Registered: Dec 17, 2006
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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
...It's only slander if it isn't true...everything I've bought up about Joe can be seen publicly on these boards. As to your friends climbing everything I can in swimming fins...right. THAT'S not slanderous or anything...dipshit...

jimdavis's Logbook

2006-10-15 Red Point V0 Bilbo's Revenge
2006-10-14 Red Point V0 Cream
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.7 Funhouse
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.6 Thin Air ***
2006-10-09 Onsight 5.7 Slabs Direct
2006-10-09 Top Rope 5.5 Upper Refuse
2006-10-01 Red Point 5.7 Gunklandia **
2006-05-12 Top Rope 5.8 Thinner *
2005-02-16 Red Point WI3 Main Pillar
2004-09-25 Onsight 5.7 Old Town ***
2004-09-12 Top Rope 5.5 Standard Route
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.3 Betty
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.6 Spare Ribs
2004-05-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.8 Slice Of The Gunks
2004-05-05 Top Rope
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.10c Route Awakening
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.9 Wheaties
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.10b Attitude Adjuster
2004-04-30 Red Point 5.4 Easy Stuff
2004-03-12 Red Point 5.8 Itching to Climb
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.9 They Died Laughing
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.8 Mantleshelf
2003-09-27 Top Rope 5.8 Alley Fox
2003-09-14 Hang Dog 5.9 Hard Stuff
2003-09-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2003-08-03 Red Point 5.6 Neophyte Delight
2003-07-04 Flash 5.10b Puss in Boots
2003-07-04 Red Point 5.9 Orange Sunshine
2003-07-04 Top Rope
2003-07-04 Flash 5.7 Dancing Nancy
2003-04-20 Onsight 5.5 Pried and Joy
2003-04-12 Top Rope 5.7 Foxy Lady
2003-04-12 Onsight 5.8 Upside Down Staircase

Sorry, I should have said "roller skates." That shit would be way too easy in swim fins. HaHa. fucking poseur.


I've been into climbing for a couple of years now, I havent been able to go NEARLY as often as I'd like too, and because of this, I'm not an expert cimber. However the community that I climb with happens to be supportive and FRIENDLY, If this is the way that you are on a regular basis, I hope I never run into you at a crag. Thanks!


Dec 20, 2006, 6:25 PM
Post #57 of 87 (8243 views)

Registered: Dec 11, 2002
Posts: 255

Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Sorry once again a simple thread and question has been turned into a mess by some unfriendy cyber stalkers.

The flash is the most popular Velcro climbing shoe in North America. It is build on a comfortable last, has gotten several high ratings as a performance shoes. For a fit recommendation I suggest sizing it a half size below your street shoes size for comfort, a full size down for performance and maybe more if you are an experience climber or competing. It will stretch a bit to conform to your foot like most other shoes although we have put a mini lining in the front of the shoe to reduce this stretch.If you have a very wide foot you may want to go a half size larger than my original recommendation and if you have a very narrow foot you may want to go a half size smaller. Good luck and let em know if you have any questions.

Hope to see many of your in Ouray next month



Dec 20, 2006, 8:05 PM
Post #58 of 87 (8221 views)

Registered: Dec 2, 2006
Posts: 727

Re: [madrock] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I wish I had gone at least a full size down, even though it was my first pair of climbing shoes. The shoes get too lose at just a half size down, and will give me "farting" noises (for a lack of a better term) when I come off the rocks onto the ground. They are just a bit too lose for me now, but I still love the shoes.


Dec 20, 2006, 9:02 PM
Post #59 of 87 (8208 views)

Registered: May 5, 2004
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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I think some are taking this little quarrel a bit too seriously. Knowing from personal experience....overreaction to abrasive posts here is typical. Just don't go over the line....such as I have done. This pissing match is too funny, and I love the battle action.

IMO, most people with strong opinions are going to come across as tools. It is just the nature of this media. Further, those with no sense of humor are quickly angered and embarrassed when the fun poking starts.

To the OP. Mad Rocks are a fine shoe. My only advice is that you get what you pay most of the time. MR's are a good starter shoe and might fall apart in 6 months. By then you will know if you want to keep climbing and be far more educated on exactly what you want out of your shoes. A buddy of mine goes through a pair of shoes every six months, so it is not unreasonable.


Dec 23, 2006, 5:08 AM
Post #60 of 87 (8184 views)

Registered: Oct 8, 2005
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Re: [madrock] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Please try to bring back the old Mugen. The new ones (I've tried several sizes) have no power, thanks to the two-part rand.


Dec 26, 2006, 3:33 AM
Post #61 of 87 (8151 views)

Registered: Jan 6, 2005
Posts: 113

Re: [miavzero] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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agreed... i liked the simplicity of the old mugens and prefered them over the loco's (having used both)



Dec 26, 2006, 6:38 AM
Post #62 of 87 (8139 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
Posts: 18275

Re: [mtcarney] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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mtcarney wrote:
curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
...It's only slander if it isn't true...everything I've bought up about Joe can be seen publicly on these boards. As to your friends climbing everything I can in swimming fins...right. THAT'S not slanderous or anything...dipshit...

jimdavis's Logbook

2006-10-15 Red Point V0 Bilbo's Revenge
2006-10-14 Red Point V0 Cream
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.7 Funhouse
2006-10-10 Red Point 5.6 Thin Air ***
2006-10-09 Onsight 5.7 Slabs Direct
2006-10-09 Top Rope 5.5 Upper Refuse
2006-10-01 Red Point 5.7 Gunklandia **
2006-05-12 Top Rope 5.8 Thinner *
2005-02-16 Red Point WI3 Main Pillar
2004-09-25 Onsight 5.7 Old Town ***
2004-09-12 Top Rope 5.5 Standard Route
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.3 Betty
2004-05-16 Onsight 5.6 Spare Ribs
2004-05-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.8 Slice Of The Gunks
2004-05-05 Top Rope
2004-05-05 Top Rope 5.10c Route Awakening
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.9 Wheaties
2004-05-01 Top Rope 5.10b Attitude Adjuster
2004-04-30 Red Point 5.4 Easy Stuff
2004-03-12 Red Point 5.8 Itching to Climb
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.9 They Died Laughing
2003-11-14 Hang Dog 5.8 Mantleshelf
2003-09-27 Top Rope 5.8 Alley Fox
2003-09-14 Hang Dog 5.9 Hard Stuff
2003-09-14 Red Point 5.9 Happy Face
2003-08-03 Red Point 5.6 Neophyte Delight
2003-07-04 Flash 5.10b Puss in Boots
2003-07-04 Red Point 5.9 Orange Sunshine
2003-07-04 Top Rope
2003-07-04 Flash 5.7 Dancing Nancy
2003-04-20 Onsight 5.5 Pried and Joy
2003-04-12 Top Rope 5.7 Foxy Lady
2003-04-12 Onsight 5.8 Upside Down Staircase

Sorry, I should have said "roller skates." That shit would be way too easy in swim fins. HaHa. fucking poseur.


I've been into climbing for a couple of years now, I havent been able to go NEARLY as often as I'd like too, and because of this, I'm not an expert cimber. However the community that I climb with happens to be supportive and FRIENDLY, If this is the way that you are on a regular basis, I hope I never run into you at a crag. Thanks!

Well, I don't climb much in Indiana--so, you're probably safe. However, I'm not sure why you prefer people who are supportive and friendly, but stupid--over those who could actually help you. It's your choice I suppose...



Dec 26, 2006, 8:44 AM
Post #63 of 87 (8133 views)

Registered: May 1, 2003
Posts: 1935

Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
mtcarney wrote:
I've been into climbing for a couple of years now, I havent been able to go NEARLY as often as I'd like too, and because of this, I'm not an expert cimber. However the community that I climb with happens to be supportive and FRIENDLY, If this is the way that you are on a regular basis, I hope I never run into you at a crag. Thanks!

Well, I don't climb much in Indiana--so, you're probably safe. However, I'm not sure why you prefer people who are supportive and friendly, but stupid--over those who could actually help you. It's your choice I suppose...


How is it that his climbing community is stupid, Curt? Or are you just saying that you're smarter than everyone else?


(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 26, 2006, 8:46 AM)


Dec 26, 2006, 3:35 PM
Post #64 of 87 (8120 views)

Registered: Apr 1, 2003
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I think the Flash is the best all-around shoe under $100...but when you reach the $100 mark, I can't say enough great things about the Evolv Bandits. I LOVE them. When you add in the wear-and-tear, they are definitely cheaper to own than my last two pairs of Mad Rocks (which wear fairly quickly, but definitely stick very well). I'll trade a little stickiness for the phenomenal fit and edging of the Bandits.

Evolv was excellent to work with, while my experiences with Mad Rock (re: Mad Pad) were nothing short of "How are you still in business?" Bargain basement in every way. In all fairness, lest you thinking I'm slamming unfairly, even established companies like Metolius have shown me very poor service regarding their climbing holds (as others have corroborated).

So anyway, if that $30 difference between MadRock and Evolve are worth it to you, let me just remind you that you'll be spending more on MR because of the reduced durability. Besides, they're made in China. The fewer things I can buy from China, the better. But that's just IMHO Wink


Dec 26, 2006, 4:53 PM
Post #65 of 87 (8109 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
curt wrote:
mtcarney wrote:
I've been into climbing for a couple of years now, I havent been able to go NEARLY as often as I'd like too, and because of this, I'm not an expert cimber. However the community that I climb with happens to be supportive and FRIENDLY, If this is the way that you are on a regular basis, I hope I never run into you at a crag. Thanks!

Well, I don't climb much in Indiana--so, you're probably safe. However, I'm not sure why you prefer people who are supportive and friendly, but stupid--over those who could actually help you. It's your choice I suppose...


How is it that his climbing community is stupid, Curt? Or are you just saying that you're smarter than everyone else?


I would never claim to be smarter than everyone else, Jim. I'm merely much more knowledgeable about climbing than all the gumbies, grommets, n00bs and other wannabes (like you) here. At least when I do hold myself out as an expert on this site, I have almost 30 years of climbing experience at a fairly high standard behind me--thousands of routes of all kinds, all over the world. Because of that (in part) I have a pretty good fundamental understanding of how most climbing stuff works.

You, on the other hand, routinely attempt to give climbing advice to others when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You have no meaningful climbing experience and no real climbing ability. All you "know" about climbing comes from what you either read or heard from some other "expert" climber.

Unfortunately, for both yourself and those who may unwittingly read the drivel you post here, your utter lack of experience denies you the critical ability to differentiate between what information that you either read or heard is correct from that which is incorrect. Thus, even if on a rare occasion, you do post an answer that is correct, you have absolutely no idea "why" it is correct. You are nothing more than a horrible example of what not to do on an internet forum. Please stop embarrassing yourself by impersonating a real rock climber on the internet.

Spend your time more productively, psyching yourself up for that next 5.5 redpoint.


(This post was edited by curt on Dec 26, 2006, 4:55 PM)


Dec 27, 2006, 12:34 AM
Post #66 of 87 (8079 views)

Registered: May 1, 2003
Posts: 1935

Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
curt wrote:
mtcarney wrote:
I've been into climbing for a couple of years now, I havent been able to go NEARLY as often as I'd like too, and because of this, I'm not an expert cimber. However the community that I climb with happens to be supportive and FRIENDLY, If this is the way that you are on a regular basis, I hope I never run into you at a crag. Thanks!

Well, I don't climb much in Indiana--so, you're probably safe. However, I'm not sure why you prefer people who are supportive and friendly, but stupid--over those who could actually help you. It's your choice I suppose...


How is it that his climbing community is stupid, Curt? Or are you just saying that you're smarter than everyone else?


I would never claim to be smarter than everyone else, Jim. I'm merely much more knowledgeable about climbing than all the gumbies, grommets, n00bs and other wannabes (like you) here. At least when I do hold myself out as an expert on this site, I have almost 30 years of climbing experience at a fairly high standard behind me--thousands of routes of all kinds, all over the world. Because of that (in part) I have a pretty good fundamental understanding of how most climbing stuff works.

You, on the other hand, routinely attempt to give climbing advice to others when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You have no meaningful climbing experience and no real climbing ability. All you "know" about climbing comes from what you either read or heard from some other "expert" climber.

Unfortunately, for both yourself and those who may unwittingly read the drivel you post here, your utter lack of experience denies you the critical ability to differentiate between what information that you either read or heard is correct from that which is incorrect. Thus, even if on a rare occasion, you do post an answer that is correct, you have absolutely no idea "why" it is correct. You are nothing more than a horrible example of what not to do on an internet forum. Please stop embarrassing yourself by impersonating a real rock climber on the internet.

Spend your time more productively, psyching yourself up for that next 5.5 redpoint.


You couldn't be much more wrong, Curt. "Why" is a question I ask myself about each thing I learn. Again, you've never met me, nor anyone I've climbed with...assuming that you understand what I know, how I learned it, and how I understand it is quite foolish, on your part. If our paths ever cross I would have no hesitation to challenge you on any technical system/ anchor/ technique related to recreational climbing and rescue. Your useless negative posts on here have contributed nothing, nor given me any insight into what it is you do or don't know about climbing systems...I have no reason to think you know half of the skills I do.

If it took you 30 years to figure out how a climbing shoe works, then I genuinely feel bad for you.

If your going to pull punches and try to insult least try and be original, and pick something I actually might care about. You think I really care about what grade I climb at? You obviously have no understanding of me, and why it is that I climb. It's pretty sad when someone with your "depth of experience" is still caught up in the game of numbers.

Funny how you 1) didn't explain how the poster's community of climbers is stupid, as you stated..and 2) hail yourself as an expert, worthy of sharing their opinion on the internet; yet talk poorly of those that learn things here.....why is it you're posting here then? Oh that's're an old man who still has to prove his superiority to the world.

Good luck with that!



Dec 27, 2006, 4:50 AM
Post #67 of 87 (8062 views)

Registered: Aug 27, 2002
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
"Why" is a question I ask myself about each thing I learn.

You haven't yet learned anything--not in any real sense, anyway.

jimdavis wrote:
...If our paths ever cross I would have no hesitation to challenge you on any technical system/ anchor/ technique related to recreational climbing and rescue...

Your incompetence is exceeded only by your delusional sense of your own abilities. Although it would be good fun to watch you whimper and cry, I'd rather free-solo than ever climb routes with you. In any real emergency, all you could possibly do is try to figure out which book to consult. I take dumps that know more about climbing than you; plus, most of my dumps are less irritating and offensive than you.

jimdavis wrote:
Your useless negative posts on here have contributed nothing, nor given me any insight into what it is you do or don't know about climbing systems...

Sadly, it isn't possible to impart any insight to a largely vacuous intellect.

jimdavis wrote:
I have no reason to think you know half of the skills I do...

Once again, it is obvious that (in your own mind) you are some towering figure in the world of climbing. That's why people have written all about you, in numerous books concerning the history of climbing in the United States, right? Oh that's right, they haven't. Guess what? No one ever will. You will never, ever be confused with a competent climber by people who actually know what's up. You're merely a miserable little fuck who only reads climbing books and takes climbing classes.

jimdavis wrote:
If it took you 30 years to figure out how a climbing shoe works, then I genuinely feel bad for you.

Again, a complete climbing bumbly, such as yourself, is in no position to explain how anything works to anyone here at perhaps how you prefer to choke your own chicken. There, I can believe you do have plenty of practical experience.

jimdavis wrote:
If your going to pull punches and try to insult least try and be original, and pick something I actually might care about. You think I really care about what grade I climb at?

If I sucked real hard, like you, I'd probably make a claim like that too--it's really about the best you can do under the circumstances of being weak, untalented and unskilled.

jimdavis wrote:
You obviously have no understanding of me, and why it is that I climb.

That's true enough. Usually people don't stick with something they suck at. You're an anomaly.

jimdavis wrote:
It's pretty sad when someone with your "depth of experience" is still caught up in the game of numbers.

I think it's far sadder that your own "depth of experience" is really nothing more than the armchair quarterback variety, having basically no climbing experience or talent. Now go read another book on climbing so you can come back here and post about something else you don't actually understand.



Dec 27, 2006, 5:41 AM
Post #68 of 87 (8059 views)

Registered: Apr 12, 2001
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Re: [jimdavis] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jimdavis wrote:
You think I really care about what grade I climb at

Obviously you do not.

In reply to:
It's pretty sad when someone with your "depth of experience" is still caught up in the game of numbers.

Climbing is inherently about challenging yourself. Now, once you've successfully met a challenge, unless you up the stakes a notch, then you are no longer challenging yourself, and you have consigned yourself to mediocrity. Everybody starts in this sport for the challenge. However, some forget why they started, get comfortable with what they know they can do, and stop challenging themselves. These climbers inevitably rationalize that their motivation lies elsewhere. Often they become experts at safety systems; become obsessed with gear; claim they just want to go sight seeing when they climb; want to with hang out with friends; blah, blah, blah. That this is self-delusion is apparent from the fact that any of these goals could be met while remaining safely on the ground.

So, climbing is about ever upping the challenge. For most, it is about climbing harder routes (mediocre climbers disparagingly call this "number chasing"). It can be about other physical and mental challenges too, but usually it's about difficulty.

In no other sport I can think of do mediocre participants attempt to claim that, by virtue of their mediocrity, they are morally superior to those who desire to improve. Gymnasts don't think, "I'm happy with scoring an 8.8 on the bars; anyone who aspires to a 9.0 or 10.0 is 'just chasing numbers'."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being satisfied with climbing at a mediocre level. What is wrong is to claim that those who want to improve are morally or aesthetically inferior, which is what your reference to "the game of numbers" in your post implies.



Dec 27, 2006, 6:48 AM
Post #69 of 87 (8053 views)

Registered: Oct 8, 2005
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Re: [jt512] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Great post Jay,
I'm also growing tired of the disonance seeking climbers. Even though I don't fancy myself as a rescue expert, I recently assisted in a SAR operation, because my county SAR group could not climb several pitches of 5.10/.11 to get to an injured climber.


Dec 27, 2006, 7:00 AM
Post #70 of 87 (8050 views)

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Re: [jt512] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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jt512 wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
You think I really care about what grade I climb at

Obviously you do not.

In reply to:
It's pretty sad when someone with your "depth of experience" is still caught up in the game of numbers.

Climbing is inherently about challenging yourself. Now, once you've successfully met a challenge, unless you up the stakes a notch, then you are no longer challenging yourself, and you have consigned yourself to mediocrity. Everybody starts in this sport for the challenge. However, some forget why they started, get comfortable with what they know they can do, and stop challenging themselves. These climbers inevitably rationalize that their motivation lies elsewhere. Often they become experts at safety systems; become obsessed with gear; claim they just want to go sight seeing when they climb; want to with hang out with friends; blah, blah, blah. That this is self-delusion is apparent from the fact that any of these goals could be met while remaining safely on the ground.

So, climbing is about ever upping the challenge. For most, it is about climbing harder routes (mediocre climbers disparagingly call this "number chasing"). It can be about other physical and mental challenges too, but usually it's about difficulty.

In no other sport I can think of do mediocre participants attempt to claim that, by virtue of their mediocrity, they are morally superior to those who desire to improve. Gymnasts don't think, "I'm happy with scoring an 8.8 on the bars; anyone who aspires to a 9.0 or 10.0 is 'just chasing numbers'."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being satisfied with climbing at a mediocre level. What is wrong is to claim that those who want to improve are morally or aesthetically inferior, which is what your reference to "the game of numbers" in your post implies.


Jay my post was not a dis on people that like to climb hard. I climb to enjoy it, and I don't often feel the need to challange my ability to physcially climb something, to get that enjoyment.

I don't have a problem with people that climb hard, but apparently people that climb hard have a problem with people that don't....and people who think they have the right to look down on others because they don't climb as hard....are morally inferior, to me.



Dec 27, 2006, 7:06 AM
Post #71 of 87 (8048 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
jimdavis wrote:
"Why" is a question I ask myself about each thing I learn.

You haven't yet learned anything--not in any real sense, anyway.

jimdavis wrote:
...If our paths ever cross I would have no hesitation to challenge you on any technical system/ anchor/ technique related to recreational climbing and rescue...

Your incompetence is exceeded only by your delusional sense of your own abilities. Although it would be good fun to watch you whimper and cry, I'd rather free-solo than ever climb routes with you. In any real emergency, all you could possibly do is try to figure out which book to consult. I take dumps that know more about climbing than you; plus, most of my dumps are less irritating and offensive than you.

jimdavis wrote:
Your useless negative posts on here have contributed nothing, nor given me any insight into what it is you do or don't know about climbing systems...

Sadly, it isn't possible to impart any insight to a largely vacuous intellect.

jimdavis wrote:
I have no reason to think you know half of the skills I do...

Once again, it is obvious that (in your own mind) you are some towering figure in the world of climbing. That's why people have written all about you, in numerous books concerning the history of climbing in the United States, right? Oh that's right, they haven't. Guess what? No one ever will. You will never, ever be confused with a competent climber by people who actually know what's up. You're merely a miserable little fuck who only reads climbing books and takes climbing classes.

jimdavis wrote:
If it took you 30 years to figure out how a climbing shoe works, then I genuinely feel bad for you.

Again, a complete climbing bumbly, such as yourself, is in no position to explain how anything works to anyone here at perhaps how you prefer to choke your own chicken. There, I can believe you do have plenty of practical experience.

jimdavis wrote:
If your going to pull punches and try to insult least try and be original, and pick something I actually might care about. You think I really care about what grade I climb at?

If I sucked real hard, like you, I'd probably make a claim like that too--it's really about the best you can do under the circumstances of being weak, untalented and unskilled.

jimdavis wrote:
You obviously have no understanding of me, and why it is that I climb.

That's true enough. Usually people don't stick with something they suck at. You're an anomaly.

jimdavis wrote:
It's pretty sad when someone with your "depth of experience" is still caught up in the game of numbers.

I think it's far sadder that your own "depth of experience" is really nothing more than the armchair quarterback variety, having basically no climbing experience or talent. Now go read another book on climbing so you can come back here and post about something else you don't actually understand.


who are you to judge what I know from across the fuckin internet? you haven't a clue. again, you don't know me, or anyone that does. I don't claim to be an expert, but I know what I know. Considering what your posts contain, I think my assessment is fair.

I guess my comment about you being nothing but an old man that feels like they have to prove themself to the world, hit a little too close to home. Considering how your post consists of little besides personal attacks (about all you're known for) and anger...I'd say I just about hit that nail on the head.

But thanks Curt, you've done nothing but prove what I already thought of you.

If you wanna be the king mudslinger on here...your welcome to the title.


(This post was edited by jimdavis on Dec 27, 2006, 7:08 AM)


Dec 27, 2006, 2:37 PM
Post #72 of 87 (8030 views)

Registered: Aug 2, 2006
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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Just to add to the madness of this thread I will give you some hopefully useful information. I was at REI this weekend and the sales rep showed me the "NEW" Madrock Flash, they now use Science Friction rubber as opposed to the Mad Rubber. They are much stickier than before.

I also told him I wore a hole in the rand of my show at the toe and he told me to just bring them back in, it was likely a manufacturing defect. I have heard bad things about the rubber wearing fast, but this new rubber is supposed to be great.

Somebody else mentioned Evolv in this thread as well. I have to second that. I tried on a pair at the store and LOVED them. When I trade in my Mad Rocks I will likely upgrade. They felt amazing, had extra rubber on the toe for jamming them into cracks and had ribs on the heel for hooking just like the Mad Rock.

One downside of the Mad Rock Flash is they don't edge well. The Evolv looks like it has a more solid soul and will likely edge a lot better. I recommend going into an REI our local outdoor store and trying them on. Don't order online unless you tried them on in store first. I hope that helps. Climb on.


Dec 27, 2006, 5:18 PM
Post #73 of 87 (8005 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Your comments about the quality of my posted content have become quite tedious. We don't even have to go any farther than this thread to see who knows more about the topic under discussion. Your total evaluation of Mad Rock shoes (from page 1 of this thread) was:

jimdavis wrote:
...their rep on here treats people like shit...I put a thread up about this a while back. titled "madrock: the user and the brand" you can find it if this interests you.

I won't buy from companies that have bad customer service, so I won't touch MR shoes. My Flashes climbed well enough, but my Evolv's work a lot better...

You make absolutely no analysis of the product in question; you merely slam the company, in spite of saying that the shoes "climbed well enough." Even the comment that the shoes "climbed well enough" is meaningless to any other forum participant here, coming from a total climbing gumby like you.

On the other hand, my analysis of Mad Rock shoes (also from earlier in this thread was:

curt wrote:
...I think Mad Rock makes a terrific shoe for the money. Their Formula 5 rubber is perhaps the stickiest climbing shoe rubber on the market at higher temperature ranges. Whereas various tests have shown most climbing shoe rubber (C4, Vibram, etc.) to have maximum friction at around 50 degrees, F, the Mad Rock rubber has maximal friction in the 65 to 85 degree F range.

I particularly like the new, redesigned (gray colored) Mad Rock Phoenix shoe. They are extremely comfortable, slightly more aggressive than the old Phoenix and don't turn my feet yellow. They're a great all-around shoe, and work well on friction, pockets, edges and most anything else--at least up through V8 and 5.12 climbing. Beyond that, you'll have to ask someone else...

Please notice that I addressed the technical properties of the rubber, what types of climbing the shoes work well for, the recent change in the design of the shoes, etc., etc...

You can go to any of several hundred other technically related climbing threads on "how cams work," "fall-factors," "anchor analyses" and many other topics--and see that I have also made meaningful contributions to them. See, that's what differentiates you from me. I actually know what I'm talking about--and you're a fool.



Dec 27, 2006, 8:17 PM
Post #74 of 87 (7979 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Shame on you 2. Especially you Curt. As a mod I'd think you'd know better. Maybe someone with some sense can delete your posts for you.

akaerik21 has a total of 5 posts and asks a simple question about mad rock shoes. He really just wants some information. Jims first post wasn't read as a huge slam Curt, just simple truths he thinks about the shoes, until you engaged him. Shame on you both.

It's like you are trying to show each other who has the biggest dick, but I'll surprise you by saying that to everybody reading this - your stupid, pointless, drivel -laden, tit-for-tat arguement, controversy, contention, contestation, disputation or whatever it is: shows that neither of you really have dicks. Or manners.

Good on Joe (Madrock) for showing up and trying to answer the question without being sucked into a stupid, putrid, disgusting, revolting, nauseating and pointless yawing black hole display of ignorance.

akaerik21, there's some wheat in the chaff inbewteen up there thats good info. Getting a good pair of shoes that fit you and make you happy would be #1 on the list. Good luck to the roomate.

(This post was edited by billcoe_ on Dec 27, 2006, 8:18 PM)


Dec 27, 2006, 8:20 PM
Post #75 of 87 (7976 views)

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Re: [billcoe_] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I've been wanting to try an Acopa shoe, mostly to help out Bachar, but haven't had a need for a new shoe, people seem to like them.


Dec 27, 2006, 10:43 PM
Post #76 of 87 (4739 views)

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Re: [billcoe_] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
Shame on you 2. Especially you Curt. As a mod I'd think you'd know better. Maybe someone with some sense can delete your posts for you...

I'm not a mod here, Bill. If you're going to try and scold me, please at least try to understand what is going on around you.

billcoe wrote:
akaerik21 has a total of 5 posts and asks a simple question about mad rock shoes. He really just wants some information. Jims first post wasn't read as a huge slam Curt, just simple truths he thinks about the shoes, until you engaged him. Shame on you both...

Are we even reading the same thread, Bill? Jim's initial post was not really about the Mad Rock shoes at all--it was merely a re-expression of the continued contempt he has for Joe Garland. I call BS.

billcoe wrote:
It's like you are trying to show each other who has the biggest dick, but I'll surprise you by saying that to everybody reading this - your stupid, pointless, drivel -laden, tit-for-tat arguement, controversy, contention, contestation, disputation or whatever it is: shows that neither of you really have dicks. Or manners. Good on Joe (Madrock) for showing up and trying to answer the question without being sucked into a stupid, putrid, disgusting, revolting, nauseating and pointless yawing black hole display of ignorance.

And how nice of you to chime in with a post that only digs that hole just a little bit deeper. I don't see any useful information about Mad Rock shoes in your post anywhere, Bill. It's actually pretty funny that you choose to post a personal attack aimed at me as means of criticising personal attack posting. I think that's called the pot calling the kettle black.



Dec 27, 2006, 10:53 PM
Post #77 of 87 (4734 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
Thanks--I'm quite proud of that one. Oh, by the way, they were Merrells, Jim. Only a fucking lunatic would try to belay with Reeboks.

We (now just me) could have used that information earlier. Thanks! Mad

Anyone looking for a new partner. I got all the gear. I just need to get some new belay shoes.


Dec 27, 2006, 11:07 PM
Post #78 of 87 (4727 views)

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Re: [akaerik21] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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I started 3 years ago with a pair of Mad Rock Phoenixes and also picked up a pair of 5.10 Spires around the same (so I could try both, and my buddy would have a pair to borrow when we went craggin. Both shoes have held up pretty well. They're definitely worn from noob abuse, but 3 years later they still have some rubber on them. Don't really use them much anymore. Once in a while someone will bring a noob friend and will squeeze into those shoes though, and they still work. So for all those people saying they fall apart I have no idea what they are talking about.


Dec 27, 2006, 11:45 PM
Post #79 of 87 (4714 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:

And how nice of you to chime in with a post that only digs that hole just a little bit deeper. I don't see any useful information about Mad Rock shoes in your post anywhere, Bill. It's actually pretty funny that you choose to post a personal attack aimed at me as means of criticising personal attack posting. I think that's called the pot calling the kettle black.


Ha ha, got me, so true. Sly, Kettle- black. but you might take a day off and go re-read this thread.


Dec 28, 2006, 12:01 AM
Post #80 of 87 (4709 views)

Registered: Aug 24, 2006
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Re: [billcoe_] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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we could charge people money to read this thread and make out like bandits.
nothing better then watching 2 grown men going "i know you are but what am i!?"

Partner blazesod

Dec 28, 2006, 12:35 AM
Post #81 of 87 (4705 views)

Registered: Apr 27, 2002
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Re: [medicus] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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medicus wrote:
<snip> The shoes get too lose at just a half size down, and will give me "farting" noises (for a lack of a better term) when I come off the rocks onto the ground.<snip>

Hey Medicus,
Wearing a pair of socks should snug up your shoes after they have stretched. That could prevent the proverbial whoopee-cushion-effect from recurring. If said effect was only a cover, you might want to cut down on the super taco's before climbing. Laugh

Back on topic,
I own 4 pairs of 'shoes' that I frequently climb in: Mad Rock Hookers, 5.10 spires, 5.10 teenies and wall boots. I bought the Mad Rock shoes because they were so cheap. They work well enough but I usually climb better in my teenies than the others. I attribute this to balance between comfort and performance.

My advice (for your friend) is, "try any shoe in a semi-comfort fit." It will let you climb longer without wanting to peel them off at every chance. If they stretch out and become too loose, start wearing socks with them.

Dave :)


Dec 28, 2006, 4:42 AM
Post #82 of 87 (4695 views)

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Re: [blazesod] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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lol, thanks... it's not a cover up, I wouldn't care if it were a real one, it's just a really annoying sound and feeling. I might try socks, but I've never worn socks when wearing climbing shoes.


Dec 28, 2006, 3:38 PM
Post #83 of 87 (4677 views)

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Re: [112] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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112 wrote:
curt wrote:
Thanks--I'm quite proud of that one. Oh, by the way, they were Merrells, Jim. Only a fucking lunatic would try to belay with Reeboks.

We (now just me) could have used that information earlier. Thanks! Mad

Anyone looking for a new partner. I got all the gear. I just need to get some new belay shoes.
Man, I miss the trophies.Laugh


Dec 28, 2006, 4:20 PM
Post #84 of 87 (4667 views)

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Re: [awilson86] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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awilson86 wrote:
we could charge people money to read this thread and make out like bandits.
nothing better then watching 2 grown men going "i know you are but what am i!?"

I have fixed that issue:

Mail your checks to:
Bill Coe
The couch by the fire under the rock at the back
Beacon Rock, WA USA

Trying to help out anyway I can.

BTW, edited to add, just stumbled over this pic and of all the damn things to find: so in a further attempt to help my brothers here: hese is the famous issue of Hot Belayer magazine with the famous Curt Shannon foot belay, you decide if it really was a Merril or not.

(This post was edited by billcoe_ on Dec 28, 2006, 4:43 PM)


Dec 28, 2006, 5:51 PM
Post #85 of 87 (4657 views)

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Re: [billcoe_] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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billcoe_ wrote:
awilson86 wrote:
we could charge people money to read this thread and make out like bandits.
nothing better then watching 2 grown men going "i know you are but what am i!?"

I have fixed that issue:

Mail your checks to:
Bill Coe
The couch by the fire under the rock at the back
Beacon Rock, WA USA

Trying to help out anyway I can.

BTW, edited to add, just stumbled over this pic and of all the damn things to find: so in a further attempt to help my brothers here: hese is the famous issue of Hot Belayer magazine with the famous Curt Shannon foot belay, you decide if it really was a Merril or not.

Nice picture--and they are Merrells, dammit all. Also, Jim and I better get a decent percentage of the gate, for providing the entertainment value here.



Dec 28, 2006, 6:12 PM
Post #86 of 87 (4652 views)

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Re: [curt] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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curt wrote:
Nice picture--and they are Merrells, dammit all. Also, Jim and I better get a decent percentage of the gate, for providing the entertainment value here.


Hey I'll take care of ya and make sure you guys both get a cut off the top Curt. You should consider contacting Merrell directly for an addtional slice of that promotional pie. Pretty good pic there too.

Now get back to tearing him a new asshole will ya cause the moneys already starting to dry up under the rock here damnit.


Jul 19, 2013, 2:23 AM
Post #87 of 87 (4079 views)

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Re: [billcoe_] mad rock shoes [In reply to]
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Haha, BUMP! and was lapping Beacon yesterday with my boy. 2 torn rotator cuffs in play. A search brings up this interplay of a thread, and I think it may have been voted the moment that RC.Com was flushed into the toilet. Is Jiimdavis around or did the pain of getting a new one ripped by Curt cause a meltdown?

curt wrote:
That's a fair question, Jim. In all honesty, you could actually know what you're talking about, but just hide it extremely well.



curt wrote:
My Australian Cattle Dog challenges my intelligence more than you do, Jim. ...

billcoe_ wrote:
Shame on you 2. Especially you Curt. As a mod I'd think you'd know better. Maybe someone with some sense can delete your posts for you.

akaerik21 has a total of 5 posts and asks a simple question about mad rock shoes. He really just wants some information. Jims first post wasn't read as a huge slam Curt, just simple truths he thinks about the shoes, until you engaged him. Shame on you both.

It's like you are trying to show each other who has the biggest dick, but I'll surprise you by saying that to everybody reading this - your stupid, pointless, drivel -laden, tit-for-tat arguement, controversy, contention, contestation, disputation or whatever it is: shows that neither of you really have dicks. Or manners.

Good on Joe (Madrock) for showing up and trying to answer the question without being sucked into a stupid, putrid, disgusting, revolting, nauseating and pointless yawing black hole display of ignorance.

akaerik21, there's some wheat in the chaff inbewteen up there thats good info. Getting a good pair of shoes that fit you and make you happy would be #1 on the list. Good luck to the roomate.

Clearly serious people suck. These guys were having a slugfest of Homeric proportions with some world class Zingers tossed in, I should have stayed butted out. Dohhh.

billcoe_ wrote:

I've been wanting to try an Acopa shoe, mostly to help out Bachar, but haven't had a need for a new shoe, people seem to like them.

Dayum, got several now. My boy was wearing the Acopa jbs yesterday with me. Prefer Evolvs myself:-)

Carry on!

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